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Cause-and-Effect Guide

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Presentation on theme: "Cause-and-Effect Guide"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cause-and-Effect Guide
Name:___________________ Date:___________________ Unit: ________________________________________________ ___________________Topic:________________________ 1 2 Key Terms: Restated Question: What's the cause and effect of the Cold War? World War, Cold War, Alliances, Communism, Democracy 4 3 5 Causes & Connections: Event & Background Information: Effects & Connections: Cold War (Space Race, Berlin Wall, Cuban Missile Crisis, Spy Exchange, Berlin Wall Falls) World War I World War II 6 Significance: 1 - Restate the Question 2 – Examine Key Terms 3 – Analyze critical event & Background 4 – Specify causes and connections 5 – Organize effects & connections 6 – Nail down the answer REASON Verb label box Verb label box Verb label box Verb label box Verb label box Verb label box

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