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Today: Policy incidence and social welfare Next two weeks:

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1 AGEC 640 – Agricultural Policy Market equilibrium and Social Welfare Sept. 20, 2018
Today: Policy incidence and social welfare Next two weeks: Policies, distortions, protection and impacts Reminder: Assignment #2 due on 9/27

2 Recall from last lecture that we have six possible policies in markets for importables
on trade on production on consumption taxes or restrictions subsidies or encouragements affect both prod. & cons. affect only production affect only consumption

3 …and six possible policies in markets for exportables:
on trade on production on consumption taxes or restrictions subsidies or encouragements affect both prod. & cons. affect only production affect only consumption

4 What do we see? In “free” markets…
producers 1. tend to oppose trade that opens up competition for them 2. will be better off when trade provides them with more consumers consumers 1. tend to prefer open trade that increases the number of sellers 2. prefer fewer buyers for the goods they want This leads to a basic tension in policymaking: it is difficult to find policies that are in the best interests of everyone in the country!

5 What about “social” welfare?
What can we infer from the diagrams about how price changes affect consumer or producer welfare? What can we infer about net effects on social welfare? The simplest and most widely used approach is to compute changes in aggregate “economic surplus”: Based on areas on a supply-demand diagram Measured in terms of money (= price x quantity) The basic assumption is that money=value

6 How could we evaluate a change? Criterion: marginal surplus
S=MC as qty. rises, the gap between the curves falls… until this marginal economic surplus reaches zero at the equilibrium P D=MB Q

7 “Economic surplus” is simply the area between S & D curves
You should try to understand why. The Hines article explains how this area came to be the workhorse definition of “social welfare” in applied policy work, despite its limitations relative to other definitions of social welfare. P Q

8 There is a very close link between
“positive” economics (for prediction) and “normative” economics (for evaluation) For example, if new technology reduces marginal cost by 10%, P P′ we can predict that the new P will be lower and the new Q will be higher. A lower price means producers may lose… but the logic of economic surplus means there must be a net gain to society as a whole. Q Q′

9 Equilibrium = Optimum ? P Q If the equilibrium is the social
optimum, do we live in the best of all possible worlds? If you have no other information, you cannot say something else would be better! P Q

10 640 is not about “public” or “welfare” econ
The question for welfare economics is, what can one infer about “aggregate welfare” from individual choices? (Assuming individuals are optimizing an unknown utility function). The answer is: not much… unless we make additional, quite strong assumptions e.g. all consumers are similar in certain ways, or face prices that are similar in certain ways “Welfare economics” is about those assumptions and their effects. Most are not testable…

11 But to use econ surplus in a thoughtful way, we should remember…
The Pareto Principle A “Pareto improvement” is preferred by at least one person, and “dis-preferred” by no one. Very many situations are already “Pareto optimal”, and designing Pareto-improving policies is very difficult! The “first theorem” of welfare economics A perfectly competitive equilibrium would be Pareto optimal (because everyone faces identical prices) The “second theorem” of welfare economics Any P. optimum can be reached by a p.c.e. with transfers (but only if everyone can use the transfers to adjust consumption!)

12 …and, more practically, the Compensation Principle
Is “Pareto improvement” needed for a change to be good? what if many gain, and only one person loses? what if the gains are much larger than the losses? would the gains have to be redistributed immediately for the change to be socially desirable? Usually, we invoke the “compensation principle”: we use the term “Pareto improvement” loosely, to mean a potentially Pareto-improving change, whose gainers could (but don’t necessarily) compensate losers and still be better off. Income and wealth is constantly being (re)distributed through various mechanisms; this way we separate the questions, and do not expect changes to generate gains and also redistribute them! In real life, “reform packages” often involve some compensation, to those who could block the change.

13 Arnold Harberger and the Triumph of Economic Surplus
Harberger’s three postulates (untestable!): marginal willingness to pay is value in consumption marginal supply price is cost of production economists should be impartial, and count everyone’s money equally. Actual politics often involves “King John redistribution” (from poorer to richer people) and “vested interests” (that block pro-poor changes).

14 Economic surplus treats the market as a household
highest indifference level in a household model highest economic surplus in a market model Qty. of “a” goods Price of “b” goods equilibrium among optimizing people in a perfectly competitive market Qa Pb slope of income line =-Pb/Pa Qb Qb Qty of “b”

15 We can divide “economic surplus” into two parts
Price of “b” goods “Consumer surplus” : area between price paid and the demand curve Pb “Producer surplus” : area between price received and the supply curve The sum of everyone’s gains/losses is society’s total economic surplus Qb

16 Trade creates a distinction between production and consumption – e. g
Trade creates a distinction between production and consumption – e.g. when we start selling Producer surplus in “b” declines by: A Qty. of “a” goods …but consumer surplus in “b” rises by: A B Price of “b” goods ==> net social gain from trade in “b” is: B Net gain from trade Increase in consumption of “b” A B Decline in production of “b” Qty of “b” Qty of “b”

17 New technologies also have very different impacts on producers and consumers
Price of “b” goods Consumer Surplus Gain = A+B Producer Surplus Change = C-A Net Econ. Surplus Gain = B+C A B If demand is very inelastic, and supply is very elastic, then innovation causes producer surplus to fall. This is “Cochran’s Treadmill”, pushing ag. producers to become ag. consumers. C Qty of “b”

18 …note that if a good is traded at a fixed price…
innovation does not affect consumers; all gains go to producers! With no trade With free trade Price of “b” goods Price of “b” goods No innovation No innovation With innovation With innovation Qty of “b” Qty of “b”

19 So what do we see, and why do we see it
So what do we see, and why do we see it? The incidence of each policy is price change X qty. affected, or economic surplus – a useful measure of welfare change Let’s take, for example, the US market for avocados. Origin: 1/3 of avocados eaten in the US are grown in the US 2/3 are imported Of imports, approximately: 90% come from Mexico 10% from Chile, Peru and the Dominican Republic.

20 U.S. Avocado policy Many countries restrict imports when the product in question might transmit diseases or carry pests. The stated goal of these phytosanitary regulations is to keep the pest or disease from entering the importing country. Protectionist? Yes, but generally justified. Sometimes, these regulations can be considered unfair trade barriers if they are not based on science. The US used phytosanitary regulations to block avocado imports from Mexico. These were challenged in the WTO and the barrier was relaxed slightly in 1993, 1997 and 2002.

21 The “stylized” U.S. market for avocados
Policy is an import quota (=M) P($/lb) Qp Qc M=imports Pw Pus A B C D Supply Demand Quantity (lbs) Domestic production rises from Qp to Qp and domestic consumption falls from Qc to Qc Consumers lose ABCD Producers gain A Who gains C?

22 The “stylized” U.S. market for avocados
Policy is an import quota (=M) P($/lb) Qp Qc M=imports Pw Pus A B C D Supply Demand Quantity (lbs) Who gains C? In this case, avocado growers’ associations were given import quotas, and so captured the “quota rent” C from buying at Pw and selling at Pus, as well as the increased producer surplus A.

23 Areas B and D are Harberger triangles, permanent losses to the U. S
Areas B and D are Harberger triangles, permanent losses to the U.S. economy. The United States P($/lb) Pus A B C D Pw Production efficiency losses, where MC is above Pw Consumption efficiency losses, where WTP is above Pw

24 Comparing instruments across markets
An import quota instrument (M′) An import tariff instrument (t) S S+quota Pus Pw+t Pus A Pw A B C D Pw B C D Qp Qp’ Qc’ Qc Qp Qp’ Qc’ Qc C.S. change: -ABCD P.S. change: +A quota rent: C net change: -B D C.S. change: -ABCD P.S. change: +A tariff revenue: +C net change: -B D Note that this “tariff-quota equivalence” is limited. If there are changes in S, D or Pw, the two policies lead to different responses.

25 What about policy on exports: If trade is good, surely more trade is better?
Pdom C E A D an export subsidy: B F Ptrade Qd’ Qd Qs Qs’ CS loss: area AB PS gain: area ABCDE Subsidy cost: area BCDEF Net loss: area BF Remember it’s not trade as such, but free trade that’s desirable (at least in this model)

26 Some conclusions on market equilibrium and social welfare
Different market structures will lead to different equilibrium outcomes To the extent that buyers or sellers are protected from competition by barriers to entry, they won’t act competitively -- won’t be “price takers” These and other questions of market structure are the topic of AGEC 620 (for PhD students) and AGEC 621 (for PhD and advanced MS students) Different definitions of “welfare” lead to different policy preferences These are examined in AGEC 617 and other courses in public economics For AGEC 640 (and in most everyday policy analysis) we assume: that equilibria are perfectly competitive that “social welfare” is proportional to economic surplus These are simple but powerful techniques that give us many non-obvious and yet useful results.

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