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Presentation on theme: "SEMESTER 1 PROJECT ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS"— Presentation transcript:

Ancient Greece Ancient Rome Ancient China

2 Part 1 You will collect information and complete tasks about the 3 Ancient Civilizations. Once you complete an activity, you will check in with us an earn points. Some are mandatory—they will have a  Some are optional—the directions in each section will tell you how many to choose. Bring HEADPHONES for video activities

3 ALL Activities marked with a ‘’ ARE REQUIRED
ALL Activities marked with a ‘’ ARE REQUIRED. Otherwise, you select your choices. ACTIVITY OPTIONS: POINTS Points Earned Teach Initials Topic 1: GEOGRAPHY Total to complete in this objective: 2 Location & Map: Actively read about the geographic context of Greece and how it expanded over time into an empire. Label the blank map. Then, using the TEAL paragraph template, explain and evaluate how the geographic context of Greece affects the empire. 6 POINTS Athens & Sparta: Actively read about the two Greek city-states: Athens and Sparta and compare their lifestyles. Explain how the geographic context of Greece affected the empire.

4 Topic 2: GOVERNMENT - Total to complete in this objective: 2 (Complete mandatory one and choose ONE other task) Alexander the Great & Hellenism: Actively read about Alexander the Great and the spread of Hellenistic culture. Create a pros and cons list of Hellenism and assimilation. 6 POINTS Government of Ancient Greece: Actively read about the various forms of government in Greece; then compare Athenian democracy to modern day democracy. Be sure to explain how democracy continues to be an issue or has changed over time. Video: Watch the “Athens” Brain Pop Video. While watching the video, fill out the brainstorm with important notes and info. because you will need to answer the following multiple choice questions. *If you do not take notes on the back, you will not earn credit.*

Topic 3: ACHIEVEMENTS Total to complete in this objective: 1 (Choose ONE task) Medicine—Hippocratic Oath: Actively read about the Hippocratic Oath of Greece and how it is used in modern day. Cite parts of the Hippocratic Oath and explain how this impacts people, places, and societies. 6 POINTS Olympics: Actively read the handout about Ancient Olympics & Modern Day Olympics. Compare how it changed over time.   YOUR SCORE—TOTAL (30 POINTS)

6 After each activity, you will have to choose and E.I.
The enduring issue this best associates with is (check all that apply) CULTURAL DIFFUSION HUMAN RIGHTS IMPACT OF ENVIRONMENT ON HUMANS POWER SCARCITY TECHNOLOGY

7 CULTURAL DIFFUSION – the spread of cultural beliefs and social activities from one group to another. The mixing of world cultures through different ethnicities (civilizations/societies), religions and nationalities has increased with advanced communication, transportation and technology. HUMAN RIGHTS – individuals, groups, and governments have attempted to end many of these human rights violations, although they have no always been successful OR individuals, groups, and governments have imposed restrictions, laws, or used social hierarchies to limit human rights of specific people. IMPACT OF ENVIRONMENT ON HUMANS — the environment is the area in which people live. People are affected by their environment (ex: physical barriers, access or lack of access to seas, natural resources, fertile soil, etc. have impacted how societies function). In addition, people have an effect on the environment as well (people and societies reshape their environment to adapt to their needs). POWER – the ability to influence or control the behavior or people. It is part of every human interaction. Power can take the form of social hierarchies (unequal power), governments (relationship to ruler and those who are ruled), etc. SCARCITY – the state of not having enough of something (ex: food, resources, land, etc.) TECHNOLOGY – technology has been modified or replaced by new technological innovations/inventions. These new technological innovations have had various effects on societies and the world.

8 For Part A activities, color coordinated file folders are available with the sheets you need.
BLUE: Ancient Greece RED: Ancient Rome YELLOW: Ancient China

9 Breakdown of your project grade
Part 1: 100 points Greece – 30 pts Rome – 40 pts China – 30 pts Part 2 & 3: 100 points Part 2: 40 pts Part 3: 60 pts

10 How to pass this project
Come to class on time STAY ON TASK Complete the GOAL of the day—you can’t just do 1 activity each band. CHECK IN DAILY You must come see us everyday. Avoid distractions move your seat if you are distracted by a friend. Complete any assignments at home when assigned! We will providing hw grades. Come during an OPTA when you are falling behind. You will be notified if you aren’t completing enough. If you are absent, you need to make up the work—OPTA or at HOME. ASK QUESTIONS WHEN YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND! Coming in late or not meeting deadlines or completing hw will result in POINTS OFF YOUR PROJECT!

11 Volunteer Monitors—Extra Participation Points
Part 1 folder organizer—towards the end of the band, you will be in charge of cleaning up the papers and fixing them neatly Portfolio monitor—make sure everyone takes their folder and puts in the bin at the end of the band Highlighter monitor—collect at the end of the band Computer monitor—last 5 minutes of the band, plug computers into appropriate outlets and keep them neat

12 How to Access materials at home and/or videos
Worksheets & YouTube Videos: Semester 1 Project tab YouTube videos are there too If it is a not YouTube video, you need to go the worksheet and type in the URL Brainpop Videos: Log on: Username: murrow Password: murrow1 In the search box, type the title of the video


14 Put your point sheet on the top.
DO NOW! Organize your Greece sheets in order as outlined on your point sheet; staple together. Put your point sheet on the top.

15 Brainstorm – Ancient Greece
Directions: Today we will be summarizing our findings on the classical civilization, Greece. Complete the following tasks. Organize your Greece sheets in order as outlined on your point sheet; staple together. List the handout titles under the Enduring Issue that each applies. Handouts can be listed in several enduring issues. Provide evidence (quotations from the handout) that match your E.I.


CULTURAL DIFFUSION HUMAN RIGHTS IMPACT OF ENVIRONMENT ON HUMANS POWER SCARCITY TECHNOLOGY Alexander the Great & Hellenism: “People, and goods, moved fluidly around the Hellenistic kingdoms. Almost everyone in the former Alexandrian empire spoke and read the same language” Athenian Democracy: “Citizens without the right to vote (women, children, some men) 80,000” Geography of Greece: “archipelago- group of islands” “access to bays and seas” ; “safe harbors” Alexander the Great & Hellenism: “Alexander led his army 11,000 miles, founding over 70 cities and creating and empire that stretched across 3 continents and covered over 2 million square miles”. Geography of Greece: “with fertile land Limited due to the mountains making up 80% of the land and limited natural resources”

18 Directions: Pick one of the enduring issues from the brain chart
Directions: Pick one of the enduring issues from the brain chart. Write a TEAL paragraph that States the Enduring Issue you chose and a definition Provides evidence & examples from the document—QUOTATIONS Explanation in YOUR OWN WORDS of how the evidence/examples connects to the E.I. chosen Analysis how this issue affected people or been affected by people. How the issues has continued to be an issue or changed over time.

19 Clearly identifies and accurately defines an enduring issue.
 EXCELLENT (5) Clearly identifies and accurately defines an enduring issue. Evidence and examples presented pertain to task in great detail and support thesis and matches the E.I. Incorporates substantial evidence about the change over time/continued to be an issue. Develops a thoughtful and in-depth argument about it impacts people or how they have been affected. Explained how it continued to be an issue or change over time clearly and in depth. Is more analytical or descriptive  GOOD (4) Identifies and accurately defines an enduring issue. Evidence and examples presented pertain to task with sufficient detail, support thesis and matches the E.I. Develops an argument in some detail about how the E.I. affected people. Incorporates relevant evidence about the change over time/continued to be an issue with some facts. Is more descriptive than analytical.  SATISFACTORY (3-1) Identifies and accurately defines an enduring issue; may include minor inaccuracies or identifies, but does not define an enduring issue or definition is unclear. Evidence and examples are used, but there are minimal details; support the E.I and position taken and/or there are some inaccuracies; and/or documents are primarily copied. Argument is not clearly explained on in depth about how the E.I. affected people. Explained how it continued to be an issue or change over time, but lacks clarity or depth. Lacks analysis; provides only description.  UNSATISFACTORY (0) Fails to develop the task or may only refer to the issue in a general way; OR includes no relevant facts, examples, or details; OR includes only entire documents copied; OR is illegible; OR is a blank paper.

20 NEXT STEPS: To improve this response, you should…
Directions: Pick one of the enduring issues from the brainstorm chart. Write a TEAL paragraph that States the Enduring Issue you chose and a definition Provides evidence & examples from the document—QUOTATIONS Explanation in YOUR OWN WORDS of how the evidence/examples connects to the E.I. chosen Analysis how this issue affected people or been affected by people. How the issues has continued to be an issue or changed over time. What is done well? How can we improve? An enduring issue is an issue that exists across time. It is one that many societies have attempted to address with varying degrees of success. One enduring issue is impact of the environment on humans, which means that the place people live are impacted by geographic features and their access to resources; therefore, affecting the way the people function in society. This enduring issue has been seen in Ancient Greece. One example of the enduring issue of impact of environment on humans can be seen in Ancient Greece is that Greece had a lot of mountains. It is also an archipelago. This displays the enduring issue of impact of environment on humans because since the mountains were barriers, city-states formed like Athens and Sparta. This impacted Greeks in a negative way because women were not allowed to vote. Slaves weren’t treated nicely. Babies were left in the mountains in Sparta. This shows how the environment impacted humans negative because people were treated unfairly. This changed over time because now woman have the right to vote. NEXT STEPS: To improve this response, you should…

21 An enduring issue is an issue that exists across time
An enduring issue is an issue that exists across time. It is one that many societies have attempted to address with varying degrees of success. One enduring issue is impact of humans on the environment, which means that the place people live are impacted by geographic features and their access to resources; therefore, affecting the way the people function in society. This enduring issue has been seen in Ancient Greece. One example of the enduring issue of impact of the environment on humans can be seen in Ancient Greece is that Greece was very mountainous making it difficult to have access to resources and fertile land. However, because is an archipelago, which is a chain of islands, Greece has access to bays and seas. Not only does this make it “safe harbors for ships”, but “the Greeks became skilled sailors, carrying cargoes of olive oil, wine, and marble around the eastern Mediterranean”. As a result, Greece could trade with the Mediterranean world, which would lead to cultural diffusion. Greeks provided olive oil, wine and marble, while received grains and metals. In addition, the Greeks adopted the Phoenician alphabet, which became “the basis of all western alphabets and languages”. This displays the enduring issue of impact of environment on humans because the bays and the seas that surround Greece helped the Greeks get access to resources they needed that were not in their civilization. Because Greece had lots of mountains “making up 80% of the land”, they were unable to produce farmland to grow crops. These forced the Greeks to trade and have and have contact with other people, places, and societies. This impacted Greeks in a positive way because access to water helped Greek civilization grow and expand due to trade. They could have access to goods and raw materials that were not available to them. Greeks could transport people and goods. By having access to other lands, Greeks could influence their culture across territories. Also, due to trade, they developed a common language with other areas of the world, which made communication easier. This continues to be an issue because Greece still faces natural barriers and lack of natural resources; however, the seas continue to still be an important feature to keep them connected to the outside world. Greece continues to rely on trade to get the raw materials they need, such as grains. They, in return, still provide olive oils, wines, and marble to other parts of the world.

22 Part 2 Choose TWO creative activities to complete.
See options on your main handout/point sheet for Part 2

23 Applying what you learned from Part 1
Directions: Choose *TWO* Activities to complete. Make sure to follow all the guidelines. ACTIVITY OPTIONS: HISTORICAL CIRCUMSTANCES DIALOUGE: Create a dialogue between TWO Ancient Civilizations you learned about in your project. Be sure to include the following: How the government functions in each civilization (ex: laws, rulers, type of government that exists). Important achievements of each civilization. *YOUR DIALOUGE MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 12 LINES.* OR COMIC STRIP: Create a 6 box comic strip that explains the historical circumstances surrounding the creation of one of the Ancient Civilizations you learned about in your project. Be sure to include the following: 1. How the civilization rose to power (ex: government). 2.Important achievements of the civilization. Be sure to explain the impact these achievements have had on the civilization.  GEOGRAPHIC CONTEXT & IMPACT OF ACHIEVEMENTS TOURIST GUIDE: Create a tourist guide for someone traveling to ONE of the Ancient Civilizations you learned about in your project. Be sure to include the following: Create a Cover Page that includes a title and photo related to the civilization of your choice. Draw or find a photo about the geography of the civilization. Explain the geographic context the civilization. *YOU MUST INCLUDE A MINIMUM OF 3 SENTENCES.* 3. Draw or find a photo of two achievements that you learned about in the civilization you chose. Explain the significance/impact of that achievement. PERSPECTIVES POLITICAL SPEECH: Imagine that Alexander the Great, Augustus, & Lao Tzu were all running for president for United States. Decide which out of three would win. Be sure to include the following: An explanation in 5 or more sentences about which of the three leaders would win. A speech for ONE of them that they would deliver in their campaign while running for president.—*Make sure their campaign includes their perspective on how government should run.* *MINIMUM OF 12 SENTENCES.*  COMPARISON ADVERTISEMENT or LETTER: Create a bias advertisement or write a letter that describes the one of Ancient Civilizations that you would prefer to live and compare it to another Ancient Civilization that you would prefer not to live. Explain the following: Why you would you want to be a citizen of that empire—include information about the type of government and/or emperor and/or laws that exists in that civilization. Explain why it is better to be a citizen in that Ancient Civilization compared to another Ancient Civilization you learned about in your project.

24 Identify and define an enduring issue raised by this set of documents.
Task: Extended Essay An enduring issue is an issue that exists across time. It is one that many societies have attempted to address with varying degrees of success. In your essay: Identify and define an enduring issue raised by this set of documents. Using your knowledge of Social Studies and evidence from the documents, argue why the issue you selected is significant and how it has endured across time. Be sure to: Identify the issue based on a historically accurate interpretation of three documents. Define the issue using evidence from at least FIVE documents. Argue that this is a significant issue that has endured by showing How the issue has affected people or been affected by people How the issue has continued to be an issue or changed over time Include OUTSIDE INFORMATION from your knowledge of social studies and evidence from the documents.

25 The enduring issue I will be writing about in my essay is… (CHOOSE ONE
The enduring issue I will be writing about in my essay is… (CHOOSE ONE!) CULTURAL DIFFUSION HUMAN RIGHTS IMPACT OF ENVIRONMENT ON HUMANS POWER SCARCITY Choose a MINIMUM OF 5 documents from PART 1. The documents must come from AT LEAST ONE of each ancient civilization you learned about. Two of the documents are your choice. Document 1 GREECE: (list title of the handout/document) _____________________________ Document 2: ROME (list title of the handout/document) _______________________________________ Document 3 CHINA: (list title of the handout/document) ______________________________________ Document 4 GREECE/ROME/CHINA (CHOOSE ONE): (list title of the handout/document) _____________ Document 5 GREECE/ROME/CHINA (CHOOSE ONE): (list title of the handout/document) _____________


27 ¶ ESSAY GUIDELINE General Statement:
¶ 1 INTRO General Statement: EXAMPLE: An enduring issue is a challenge or problem that a society has faced and debated or discussed across time. An enduring issue is one that many societies have attempted to address with varying degrees of success. 
 Enduring issue & definition: EXAMPLE: One enduring issue is technology, which are innovations and inventions that help make life easier for people, places, and societies that are constantly improved and changed over time by future generations. Brief statement of where this issue has been seen in history: EXAMPLE: The enduring issue of technology, such as….. (list the specific inventions) can be seen in all classical civilizations of Greece, Rome, and China. THESIS STATEMENT that includes the E.I. and an argument (positive, negative, etc.): EXAMPLE: Technology has impacted these civilizations in a positive way and has improved changed over time for the better.

¶ 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6 BODY PARAGRAPHS T: Topic Sentence that includes the enduring issue, the general idea of the document, and claim (positive/negative). EXAMPLE: Technology of Roman roads has impacted Ancient Roman civilization in a positive way. (enduring issue) (general idea of document) (claim) E: IMPORTANT SUMMARY/ FROM THE DOCUMENT Explain the document—*INFORMATION MUST MAKE A CONNECTION TO THE ENDURING ISSUE YOU CHOSE!* (use 2-3 quotes & explain it in YOUR OWN WORDS in a MINIMUM OF 5 SENTENCES) A: This issue has affected people in a positive/negative (choose the one that matches your thesis) way because (EXPLAIN WHY IT IS GOOD OR BAD FOR THE SOCIETY IN A MINIMUM OF 5 SENTENCES IN YOUR OWN WORDS—YOU SHOULD NOT BE COPYING ANYTHING FROM THE DOCUMENT IN THIS SECTION!) This continued to be an issue because/change over time (CHOOSE THE ONE THAT APPLIES) by MAKE CONNECTIONS TO MODERN DAY AND HOW IT IS THE SAME, DIFFERENT, IMPROVED, ETC. (MINIMUM OF 3 SENTENCES)



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