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Spectroscopic studies of the influence of the aluminum concentration in heated Yb-doped optical fibers Christoph Bacher 1 Jonas Scheuner 1 Ali El Sayed.

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Presentation on theme: "Spectroscopic studies of the influence of the aluminum concentration in heated Yb-doped optical fibers Christoph Bacher 1 Jonas Scheuner 1 Ali El Sayed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spectroscopic studies of the influence of the aluminum concentration in heated Yb-doped optical fibers Christoph Bacher 1 Jonas Scheuner 1 Ali El Sayed 1,2 Sönke Pilz 2 Alex Heidt 1 Manuel Ryser 1 Valerio Romano 1,2 1 IAP, University of Bern, Bern 2 ALPS, Bern University of Applied Sciences, Burgdorf

2 Introduction and motivation
Our group Our group has two main research fields Development, fabrication and characterization of optical fibers Development and design of fiber laser systems

3 Introduction and motivation
High power yellow ( nm) laser Generation of laser light at a wavelength of 1160 nm is required Yb-doped fiber lasers at 1160 nm have been demonstrated at Watt level Yb-doped fibers + Commercially available + FBG cavity allows narrow banded spectrum - Not efficient laser emission at 1160 nm - ASE - Heating required to suppress ASE (our setup: 155 °C) It has been reported, that a high aluminum concentration in Yb-doped fibers allow laser emission at 1160 nm at fiber temperatures of 60 °C 1  Development and fabrication of our own Yb-Al-doped fiber (Image: Laurent Michaille) 1 Jacquemet, M. et al. (2009)

4 Sol-gel based granulated silica method
Granulated-in-tube method combined with sol-gel process Sol-gel grain size ~ nm - μm every grain is doped Granulate-in-tube granulate-in-tube preform cladding drawn directly from granulate laser-based travelling small-zone vitrification for loss reduction fiber sintering & milling removal of OH-groups grain size ~ 100 μm Dopants in Ethonal -> mixing Gelation starts when adding distilled water, evtl. warm up a little bit Wird zum Pulver getrocknet. Sintern bis 1550 °C: Pulver verdichten ->Granulat. Mit anschliessendem Mahlen kann Teilchengrösse definiert werden. Für UniBe 150 um – 1 mm. Vitrifizierung ermöglicht bessere Qualität des Kern. Setzt die Streu- und Propagationsverluste herunter, auf nm

5 Fabrication process of our fiber
Core precursor composition Vitrification process of core was not performed by laser, but by drawing a drop Precursor name Chemical formula At. % Ytterbium(III) nitrate pentahydrate Yb(NO3)3 · 5H2O 0.4 Phosphorus pentoxide P2O5 2.4 Aluminum nitrate nonahydrate Al(NO3)3 · 9H2O 4 Vitrifizierungsmaschine kurz erklären, sagen dass Maschine zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch nicht in Bern war

6 Fabrication process of our fiber
Cladding and drawing 40 minutes fiber drawing at 2090 °C  200 m Yb-doped double clad fiber granulate-in-tube preform cladding drawn directly from granulate

7 Fiber characterization
Refractive index profile Index step core/cladding: 5.1317E-3 (err: E-5) NA core (err: E-3)

8 Fiber characterization
Lifetime measurement Lifetime Ƭ = 0.74 ± ms (Commercial: Ƭ = 0.8 ± ms)

9 Fiber characterization
Laser characteristics 1 Measurements taken at University of Bern, Bern 2 Measurements taken at Bern University of Applied Sciences, Burgdorf Double pass 1 Single pass 2 Pump wavelength 976 nm 940 nm Fiber length 5 m 2 m Slope efficiency 4-6 % 0.5 % Laser threshold 3.5 W 6 W Temperature 25 °C

10 Fiber characterization
Observations Heating up the fiber causes a shift in emission as well as absorption spectrum No lateral scattering was detected with IR viewer Fiber heats itself up, energy taken from absorbed pump

11 Conclusions An Yb-doped, high Al-co-dopant double clad fiber was drawn in our in-house fiber drawing tower Lifetime measurements show similar values to commercial fibers Could be due to Yb-clustering leading to dipole-dipole interactions Laser emission was achieved for several pump wavelengths Heating the fiber shifts emission and absorption spectrum (like commercial fibers do) Fiber absorbs approx. 60 % of pump power, most of it is converted to heat No significant increase of spectral emission at wavelengths above 1100 nm was found

12 Outlook Addition experiments and characterization processes are on progress Mass spectroscopy Loss measurements Sol-gel method allow easily adjustment of dopant concentration Composition of dopants needs improvement More efficient lasing Optimal self heating of the fiber in order to shift the emission spectrum to longer wavelengths

13 Acknowledgments University of Bern Daniel Weber Andres Luder
Prof. Thomas Feurer BFH David Kummer Christian Heger Dr. Hossein Najafi Dr. Andreas Burn contact

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