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Krugman Section 1 Module 2

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1 Krugman Section 1 Module 2
Business Cycles Krugman Section 1 Module 2

2 Peak When business activity reaches a temporary maximum
The point at which output starts to decline – or the beginning of a recession

3 Contractionary / Recession
Output and income decrease Unemployment rate increases Must be a decrease in GDPr for 6 months (measured every 3 months) As contraction continues, inflationary pressures subside

4 Trough The bottom of the recession Lowest point of GDPr
A deep trough is a depression Output falls to low levels & unemployment climbs to very high levels

5 Expansionary / Recovery
Output increases toward full employment Unemployment rate declines As economic expansion continues, inflation may begin to accelerate

6 Causation Major innovations may trigger new investment and/or consumption spending Changes in productivity Aggregate spending Cyclical fluctuations: durable goods are more unstable than non-durables because spending on non-durables cannot be postponed

7 Facts: There is no consistent length of time for each phase
Business cycles are unpredictable Economists are notoriously poor at predicting the downturn

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