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Plant Reproduction.

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1 Plant Reproduction

2 Genesis 1:1 Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after (its) kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth.”

3 Sexual Reproduction In sexual reproduction, each offspring receives genes from BOTH parents This provides genetic variation in the new generation Chromosomes occur in pairs (one from each parent) Organisms are called diploid if they have 2 sets of chromosomes An organism must make special cells called gametes before they can reproduce  Gametes are haploid or they have HALF the original amount of chromosomes (1 set) These special cells will combine to make a new diploid organism

4 Flowers For many plants, flowers are the main reproductive organs for sexual reproduction They contain structures to make male and female gametes Flowers have 4 main parts: Sepals Petals Stamens Pistils

5 Parts of a Flower Petals Stamen Made of 2 parts:
Usually the largest and most colorful part of flower Color and design help attract insects/animals to help pollinate the flower Stamen Male reproductive part Made of 2 parts: long, thin - filament Knobby sac – anther Filled with pollen grains Pistil (3 Parts) Female part: Swollen area at the base is the ovary that contains the egg Slender stalk above the ovary is the style Atop the style is the stigma – which is sticky to help pollen attach to it Sepals Leaflike structures at the base of the flower Protect flower before it blooms Usually green

6 Pollination Pollination is the process of transferring pollen from an anther to the stigma When the correct pollen lands on the stigma a pollen tube is formed through the style

7 Life of a Seed When the pollen unites with an egg it will form a zygote and then develop into a embryo or baby plant The seed contains the embryo and some stored food in the form a cotyledon until the new plant can make its own food As the seed matures, the petals and stamens fall off The stem becomes thicker to support the weight of the fast growing seed Fruit begins to form around the seed

8 Asexual Reproduction No gametes are involved
New plants are genetically exactly like their parents: Examples: Runners Root sprouts Leaf cutting Buds or “eyes” on potatoes

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