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State Regents’ Policy Workshop

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2 State Regents’ Policy Workshop
Thursday, June 14, 2012 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Webinar

3 Academic Policies Workshop Overview
Introductions and System Overview Academic Programs and Related Policies Accreditation, Admission, and Student Related Policies Teacher Education Policies Questions & Answers HD

4 Resources/Information*
Key Documents for Today’s Webinar PowerPoint Presentation (open) Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education Academic Affairs Staff Listing Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education Photo Directory “Who Can Help” by subject/individual OSRHE Policy and Procedures Manual (online) COI and State Regents 2012 Fall Meeting Dates *Refer to link in . HD

5 State Regents Website Policy Manual Academic Forms
Admission Standards High School Approved Course List Course Equivalency Project Degree Program Productivity Reports Financial Aid Grant Opportunities State Regents’ Meeting Agendas Higher Education Directory Studies and Reports

6 Coordination v. Governance
State Regents Inst. Governing Board Functions & courses of study Prescribe standards of education Grant degrees Recommend funding & allocated lump sum Allocated revolving funds Determine student fees Coordination, research, planning Management policy Personnel, salaries, duties Contract for services Custody of records Acquire/hold title to property Academic, student, budget admin Purchasing Capital construction Auxiliaries HD

7 Council on Instruction
Role of Advisory Groups Council of Presidents Council on Instruction

8 Advisory Councils General Process for Review of Academic and Other Policy Issues Council on Instruction Committees Council on Instruction Council of Presidents’ Academic & System Initiatives Committee Council of Presidents State Regents HD

9 Other Advisory Groups Council on Student Affairs
Dr. Kermit McMurry Student Advisory Board Communicators Council Mr. Ben Hardcastle Faculty Advisory Council Dr. Debra Stuart Economic Development Council Ms. Connie Lake Council on Information Technology Ms. Amanda Paliotta (Interim) Council of Business Officers Ms. Amanda Paliotta

10 Must be from President to Chancellor
Correspondence Official Institutional Submissions Naming delegates Programmatic requests or proposals Protests and/or challenges Policy exceptions HD OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE all official correspondence must be sent from the President to the Chancellor, including designating a representative to serve on a Council, committee, etc. programmatic requests (new programs, deletions, modifications, EM delivery, etc.) policy exceptions the Chancellor routes institutional submissions to appropriate staff for processing ADVANCE NOTICE we always appreciate a heads-up when you have large projects in development - we like to know what’s coming down the pike – however, since the Chancellor sends correspondence where it needs to go, there is no need to copy us on your correspondence Must be from President to Chancellor

11 State Regents’ Meetings
Fall 2012 September 6 Internal deadline – August 16* October 25 Internal deadline – October 4* December 6 Internal deadline – November 15* To help with planning … NEXT 3 STATE REGENTS MEETINGS fall 2004 dates, the spring 2005 dates aren’t available yet INTERNAL DEADLINES these are the dates by which we need institutional submissions to get on the next SR meeting agenda generally, we need requests about a month in advance of an SR meeting date this allows time for staff to process requests, obtain any additional information needed, and make the mail-out to the Regents SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES we understand that sometimes, there are circumstances requiring last minute additions to the agenda we are sensitive to that and will be responsive as we can however, circumventing this schedule will be an exception to the rule * Internal deadlines have not been finalized

12 Oklahoma Degree and Certificate Goals
Complete College Oklahoma Increasing 1,700 Degrees & Certificates per Year 30,500 50,900 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Oklahoma Degree and Certificate Goals 67 % Increase

13 Complete College America
A Plan for Increasing Postsecondary Credentials to Fuel a Strong Economy 1 FOCUS ON READINESS Higher education and K-12 will work together to develop and implement a strategy that seeks to identify students not on target to be college-ready by graduation and targets activities in the 11th and 12th grades to reduce remediation demands in the transition from high school to college. 2 TRANSFORM REMEDIATION Every Oklahoma institution will implement transformational models of remedial placement and support through a statewide phased implementation and refinement process. 3 BUILD BRIDGES TO CERTIFICATES & DEGREES Develop and implement a "Program Equivalent Project" that bridges Career Tech credit hour completion to certificate and A.A.S. degree completion in the community colleges. 4 REACH HIGHER FOR ADULT COMPLETION Further expand and develop Reach Higher as a degree and certificate completion effort that involves the entire system of postsecondary education. 5 TRACK & REWARD PROGRESS & COMPLETION Reform Oklahoma’s successful Brain Gain Performance Funding Program to provide metrics and accountability for measuring state and campus progress toward completion goals.

14 Available Through Emailed Link
Who Can Help? Refer to PDF Document Available Through ed Link Sometimes when you’re preparing materials and have questions or concerns, you may be unsure who to contact … TOPIC AREAS in your folder, there is a list of topic areas in Academic Affairs – College Programs this slide lists some of the topics; many more work areas are listed on your handout the primary staff member for each area is provided, and contact information for all College Programs staff is provided on the back side


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