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2/24/14 Collect H-W practice sheet  ??? Evolution Quiz (Chp.15)

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1 2/24/14 Collect H-W practice sheet  ??? Evolution Quiz (Chp.15)
After Quiz: Start Chp.17 Guided Reading DUE TOMORROW!

2 AP Biology: 2/25/14 Chapter 17 ~ Speciation

3 Microevolution Changes in allele frequency of a population over time
(changes in single gene pool) What we studied in Chp.15 Ex: H-W Equilibrium

4 Macroevolution Large Scale changes
(Ex: evolution of birds from dinosaurs, evolution of seeds in plants)

5 Macroevolution: the origin of new taxonomic groups
Speciation = the origin of new species 1- Anagenesis (phyletic evolution) = accumulation of heritable changes without branching into new species 2- Cladogenesis (branching evolution) = budding of new species from a parent species that continues to exist (basis of biological diversity)

6 What is a species? Biological species concept (Mayr):
a population or group of populations whose members have the potential to interbreed and produce viable, fertile offspring Genetic exchange is possible and it is genetically isolated from other populations

7 Modes of speciation (based on how gene flow is interrupted)
Allopatric = populations segregated by a geographical barrier; can result in adaptive radiation (island species) Independent selective pressures Genetic Drift Founder Effect Ex: Darwin’s Finches Allopatric is by far the more common

8 Sympatric Speciation Sympatric = reproductively isolated subpopulation in the midst of its parent population Change in genome: polyploidy in plants New behavior or food


10 Reproductive Isolation (isolation of gene pools)
Prezygotic barriers = impede mating between species or hinder the fertilization of the ova Habitat (snakes; water/terrestrial) Behavioral (fireflies; mate signaling) Temporal (salmon; seasonal mating) Mechanical (flowers; pollination anatomy) Gametic (frogs; egg coat receptors)


12 Postzygotic barriers =fertilization occurs, but the hybrid zygote does not develop into a viable, fertile adult Reduced hybrid viability (frogs; zygotes fail to develop or reach sexual maturity) Reduced hybrid fertility (mule; horse x donkey; cannot backbreed) Hybrid breakdown (cotton; 2nd generation hybrids are sterile) ***Hybrid Zone = area of overlap between 2 closely related species.


14 Tempo of speciation: Gradualism vs. punctuated equilibrium (divergence in rapid bursts) Niles Eldredge and Stephen Jay Gould (1972); helped explain the non-gradual appearance of species in the fossil record

15 Adaptive Radiation The evolution of many new and diversely adapted species from a single common ancestor on introduction to a new environment Ex: silverswords (Hawaii), Cichlids (Africa), mammals (world, after extinction of dinosaurs) Cambrian Explosion  600 mya, origin of most animal phyla

16 Speciation Questions for Discussion

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