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Non-Antibody Mediated TRALI
Kevin Jenkins, MD, MBA, MHSA Vanderbilt University Medical Center 12/10/14
Overview What is TRALI Clinical presentation Prognosis
Differential Diagnosis Standard therapy Traditionally accepted mechanism (direct antibody mediated) Alternative mechanisms (indirect antibody and antibody independent mechanism)
What is TRALI TRALI - transfusion related acute lung injury
Acute lung injury occurring within 6 hours of completion of transfusion of blood component No pre-existing acute lung injury No other associated risk factors for acute lung injury Acute lung injury New onset Hypoxemia SpO2 <90% or PaO2/FiO2 <300 mm Hg on room air Bilateral infiltrates on chest X-ray
Presentation Rapid onset of dyspnea and tachypnea
May be associated fever, cyanosis, and hypotension Clinical exam reveals respiratory distress and pulmonary crackles CXR shows evidence of bilateral pulmonary edema with bilateral patchy infiltrates this may rapidly progress to complete "white out" indistinguishable from Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
Prognosis Lung injury is generally transient
PO2 levels returning to pretransfusion levels within hours CXR returning to normal within 96 hours Significant mortality rate, often approximated at 5 to 10% Incidence has not been well established due to difficulty in defining the syndrome and to variable reporting mechanisms Estimated the overall frequency between 1/1,120 and 1/57,810 units transfused. However, there is wide discrepancy in the literature with the reported frequency is as low as 1/557,000 RBC units and as high as 1/432 platelet units
Differential Diagnosis
transfusion-associated circulatory overload (TACO) cardiogenic edema allergic and anaphylactic transfusion reactions bacteremia/sepsis due to transfusion of bacterially contaminated blood products
Differential Diagnosis
TRALI may be distinguished from TACO and cardiogenic pulmonary edema by the absence of signs of circulatory overload such as: normal central venous pressure (CVP) normal pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCWP) clinical response to diuretics suggests TACO rather than TRALI
Differential Diagnosis
Allergic and anaphylactic transfusion reactions may be distinguished by: laryngeal edema or bronchospasm with wheezing normal CXR Transfusion transmitted bacteremia my present with fever, hypotension, and culminate in severe sepsis with associated acute lung injury which may be difficult to distinguish from TRALI
Standard Therapy Primarily supportive
Mild cases may respond to supplemental oxygen therapy Severe forms may require mechanical ventilation and ICU support As with ARDS there is no role for diuretics or corticosteroids.
Direct Antibody Mediated Mechanism
Infusion of donor anti-HLA (human leukocyte antigens) or anti- HNA (human neutrophil antigens) antibodies directly cause complement activation, resulting in the influx of neutrophils into the lung, followed by neutrophil activation and release of cytotoxic agents, with subsequent endothelial damage and capillary leak. Donor derived antibodies to HLA class I antigens and neutrophils have been demonstrated in up to 89% of TRALI cases examined in the literature.
Direct Antibody Mediated Mechanism
Indirect and Antibody Independent Mechanism
Priming events such as infection, cytokine administration, recent surgery, or massive transfusion causes activation of the pulmonary endothelium leads to the sequestration of primed neutrophils to the activated pulmonary endothelium. Infusion of donor derived anti-HLA or anti-HNA antibodies against antigens on the neutrophil surface and/or biological response modifiers (e.g., lipids) activate the neutrophils, causing neutrophil-mediated endothelial damage
Indirect and Antibody Independent Mechanism
Neutrophil Activation
Lipid Mediators During leukocyte reduced RBC (LR-RBC) storage non-polar lipids accumulate Studies have demonstrated that these isolated lipids can activate neutrophils Neutrophil activation was shown to occur using the isolated lipids from LR-RBC storage day 42 but not from storage day 1 These lipids have been identified as arachidonic acid and 5, 12, 15- hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (HETE)
Lipid Mediators
Lipid Mediators Are these lipids a significant factor in TRALI?
Lipid Mediators One study compared standard leukoreduction of RBC units to special filtration which duplicated standard leukoreduction but also showed decreased accumulation of priming activity of the supernatant by lipids With special filtration at storage day 42 there was a 50% reduction in 5-HETE with no change in the arachidonic acid level when compared to standard LR-RBC's at day 42 It was speculated that the filtration reduced enzymes necessary for conversion from arachidonic acid to 5-HETE
Lipid Mediators Is there a difference in the priming ability of arachidonic acid versus 5-HETE?
Lipid Mediators The day 42 supernatant with reduced 5-HETE and the day 42 supernatant from standard LR-RBC's were used in a TRALI animal model The 5-HETE reduced supernatant mitigated TRALI in the animal model compared to the supernatant from standard LR-RBC's These studies suggest that accumulation of lipids, especially 5-HETE, in stored RBC's may play an important role in antibody independent TRALI
Additional Evidence Lipoxins demonstrate anti-inflammatory action
They are enzymatically derived from arachidonic acid and 15-HETE is an important precursor Lipoxins are formed by a combination of 12-lipoxygenase from platelets and LTA4 from neutrophils which is converted to LXA4 and LXAB
Additional Evidence Epi-lipoxins are derived from arachidonic acid by non-enzymatic peroxidation 15-epi-lipoxin A4 is induced by aspirin and can mimic many of the anti-inflammatory action of native lipoxins
Additional Evidence Aspirin has known efficacy in the indirect TRALI model There is evidence that aspirin diverts metabolism of arachidonic acid from eicosanoids to 15-epi-LXA4 This supports the findings in other studies where reduction of 5-HETE mitigated TRALI
Therapeutic Possibilities
This proposed mechanism of non-antibody mediated TRALI provides possible therapeutic points of intervention such as previously described with aspirin Special filtration of RBC's and mitigation of TRALI by inhibition of lipid metabolism and accumulation Additional research in this area is being performed
Summary TRALI is inconsistently recognized making the true incidence difficult to define There are at least two proposed mechanisms for TRALI which may or may not act symbiotically or in mutual exclusion Lipids accumulate in stored RBC's and have been shown to cause TRALI in animal models The mechanism of lipid induced TRALI provides possible therapeutic opportunities
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