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Grade 5 Quarter 2 Writing.

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1 Grade 5 Quarter 2 Writing

2 Box-and-Bullets Strategy
Here is a strategy that is great for note taking. It is called the box and bullet strategy. As you are taking notes about your topic consider the main idea of paragraphs and or sections of your text as the box (topic sentence). Then, using the supporting detail sentences as the bullets to support your box (topic sentence).

3 Box-and-Bullets Strategy
Let’s read the following paragraph from a nonfiction article about “The Weird and Wonderful Octopus”. Use your box and bullet graphic organizer to get the main idea down as well as all the supporting evidence.

4 The Weird and Wonderful Octopus
The amazing octopus has many ways to defend itself from predators. When an octopus wants to move quickly to escape a predator, it can shoot water out of its siphon and push itself backwards. This is called jet propulsion. Using this technique, octopuses can travel many miles. An octopus can also protect itself by squirting ink at a predator, causing it to become blind and lose its sense of smell temporarily. This makes it difficult for the predator to track the octopus once it has darted away. The octopus can also change its colors like a chameleon to blend in to its surroundings. And if a predator manages to grab an octopus by the arm, the octopus has one more trick up its sleeve. It can break off its arm, swim away, and then grow a new one later.

5 Box-and-Bullets Strategy
Read the other parts of this article independently or with a partner and use the box and bullet strategy in your writing journal.

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