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Challenge Write down the answer in the chat What is the biggest CLIL challenge you face right now?

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Presentation on theme: "Challenge Write down the answer in the chat What is the biggest CLIL challenge you face right now?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Challenge Write down the answer in the chat What is the biggest CLIL challenge you face right now?

2 How to effectively use language in a Mathematics lesson
CLIL Webinar

3 About me
Introduction About me Alle tekst nodig?

4 This workshop Aim To inspire you to create language activities
What you can expect What makes a good CLIL activity? CLIL in a Maths lesson 8 Ready to use activities How to apply classroom English in a Mathematics lesson Opbouw van de workshop, sense of urgency, framing

5 Answer the following poll questions

6 Every CLIL teacher is a language teacher
Agree/Disagree Every CLIL teacher is a language teacher

7 Every CLIL Maths teacher should motivate language output
Agree/Disagree Every CLIL Maths teacher should motivate language output

8 Agree/Disagree Teaching in a second language limits my options for different explanations

9 Every Mathematics activity is void of any language
Agree/Disagree Every Mathematics activity is void of any language

10 CLIL In my opinion a CLIL activity should include two things:
Generate language output Encourage active learning

11 Fill out the form online at
Pro/Con Can you think of both something negative and something positive regarding CLIL? Fill out the form online at

12 Please rate the following activities
I will explain 8 activities I use in my lessons. Please rate each activity on a scale of 1 to 4 You have to rate the three things: Amount of prep time needed (1=a lot, 4=none) Easiness of implementation (1=very hard, 4=very easy) Amount of language involved (1=none, 4=a lot) Please fill out the Google sheet at

13 Find your partner Students receive cards with an assignment (in my case: a calculation) Students have to find a partner who has a question that results in the same answer On the back of the cards, students find follow-up questions. They search for the answer in their books together

14 Create assignment Teacher explains a framework for the students to follow in order to create their own assignment Students create an assignment, after which they swap notebooks Students do the assignment of their neighbor, return the notebooks and check their answers

15 Math Market Students pair up and choose an assignment to do from a selection of activities printed on seperate papers After finishing the assignment students ask teacher for the correct answer If the answer is correct, they choose a new assignment

16 Standing up game Students have to answer questions asked by the teacher by writing down the answer in their notebooks One student is asked for the answer and explanation After the correct answer has been provided, all students with the wrong answer can sit down

17 Alphabet Students write down the letters of the alphabet in their notebooks In a set amount of time (f.e. 2 minutes) the students have to write down as many different words related to the current topic/chapter etc. Afterwards, students who have the most words win. Together you compile a list that is as complete as possible.

18 Bingo Students make a list of 10 of the most important words of the current topic/ paragraph/chapter Teacher reads out the terms one by one Student who has striped through all of the words first wins

19 Word to sentence Teacher provides two words
Students have to create a sentence containing these words

20 a)y=x2+2 b)y=3x2 c) y=2x+5 d) y=-5x2+3
Odd one out Teacher provides a set of assignments of which one (or more) don’t fit with the rest. Students have to discuss which one and explain why. Example: Determine which one is the odd one out of these four formlas a)y=x2+2 b)y=3x2 c) y=2x+5 d) y=-5x2+3

21 CLIL explained What made this activity CLIL? Language is involved
Input: Reading and listening Output: Writing Active thinking You are asked for a contribution The answers are not correct or wrong

22 English in your lesson Answer these three questions on your paper
What words/phrases commonly pose a problem for students? What do you do to help them? 3. What do you think is a good idea everyone can use in their lessons?

23 Classroom English for Mathematics
“Dirty Tree” Variable Accentuation Negative vs. Minus Any more?

24 More ideas to use English
“Word to sentence” with new words Student generated definitions “Repeat after me” Listen and record

25 What did we talk about? A good CLIL activity should involve both language and active learning Discussion about CLIL in a Maths lesson Several activities Common language challenges in a Maths lesson Samenvatting, Invite!

26 Please use the Google Form at
Exit ticket What went well? What could be better? What is the most important lesson learned? Which of these activities can you apply in your lesson next week? Please use the Google Form at Call to action, wat hebben ze te vinden, facebook groep

27 Resources Want the powerpoint and activities?
Go to

28 Q&A

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