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Subject Name: IMAGE PROCESSING Subject Code: 10EC763

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1 Subject Name: IMAGE PROCESSING Subject Code: 10EC763
Prepared By: K.PRAVEENA Department: ECE Date: 1/3/2019

2 UNIT - 2 1/3/2019

3 Image sensing and acquisition Image formation model
Topics covered: Image sensing and acquisition Image formation model Representation of Digital Images Image zooming and shrinking Relation ship between pixels 1/3/2019

4 Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

5 Image sensing using single sensor

6 Image sensing 1/3/2019

7 Image sensing using single sensor

8 Image formation model 1/3/2019

9 Image formation model Image is a 2 dimensional function of form f(x,y)
Amplitude of f at spatial coordinates (x,y) is a positive scalar quantity. f(x,y) must be a non zero and finite i.e 0< f(x,y)<∞ The function f(x,y) is defind by two functions Amount of source illumination incident on the scene Amount of the illumination reflected by object 1/3/2019

10 These are called illumination i(x,y)and reflection r(x,y) components.
f(x,y)= i(x,y)* r(x,y) 0< i(x,y)< ∞ 0<r(x,y) < 1 0 is total absorption 1 total reflection Let intensity of the monochrome image at (x0 , y0 ) the gray level of the image at that point is as follows l = f (x0 , y0 ) 1/3/2019

11 Lmin≤l ≤Lmax theoritically Lmin is +ve value and Lmax is infinite

12 Sampling and quantization

13 Sampling and quantization

14 Representing digital images

15 Spatial and gray-level resolution

16 Subsampled and resampled

17 Varying the number of gray levels
Orignal 1/3/2019

18 Low Medium High level detail image

19 Zooming and shrinking 1/3/2019

20 Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels
Neighbors of a pixel 4-neighbors of p four diagonal neighbors of p 8-neighbors of p 1/3/2019

21 Adjacency m-adjacency (mixed adjacency): Two pixels p and q with values from V are m-adjacency if q is in N4(P) or q is in ND(P) and the set N4(P) intersection of N4(q) has no pixels whose values are from V 1/3/2019

22 Subset adjacency S1 and S2 are adjacent if some pixel in S1 is adjacent to some pixel in S2 Path A path from p with coordinates (x,y) to pixel q with coordinates (s,t) is a sequence of distinct pixels with coordinates 1/3/2019

23 Region We call R a region of the image if R is a connected set Boundary The boundary of a region R is the set of pixels in the region that have one or more neighbors that are not in R Edge Pixels with derivative values that exceed a preset threshold 1/3/2019

24 Distance measures Euclidean distance City-block distance
Chessboard distance Linear operation H is said to be a linear operator if, for any two images f and g and any two scalars a and b, H ( af + bg ) = H a(f)+ H b(g) 1/3/2019

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