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Doubled made of two parts that are similar or exactly the same.

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Presentation on theme: "Doubled made of two parts that are similar or exactly the same."— Presentation transcript:

1 doubled made of two parts that are similar or exactly the same

2 mockingbird a North American bird that sings loudly and copies the songs of other birds 

3 Navajo a member of a Native American people originally from New Mexico and Arizona

4 necklace a piece of jewelry that is worn around your neck

5 nutrients a substance that plants, animals, and people need to live and grow

6 straight not having curves, bends, or angles

7 exactly used to stress that something is accurate, complete, or correct

8 sidewalk a usually concrete path along the side of a street for people to walk on

9 surprised having or showing the feeling that people get when something unexpected or unusual happens

10 tightly fastened, attached, or held in a position that is not easy to move

11 workshop a place where things are made or repaired

12 nectar a sweet liquid produced by plants and used by bees in making honey

13 pale light in color

14 huddled to come close together in a group

15 recognized to know and remember someone or something

16 reflection an image that is seen in a mirror or on a shiny surface

17 solitary without anyone or anything else

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