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Wellness and your Total Health 6th Grade Health

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Presentation on theme: "Wellness and your Total Health 6th Grade Health"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wellness and your Total Health 6th Grade Health
Decision Making Wellness and your Total Health 6th Grade Health

2 Decision Making Is the process of making a choice or finding a solution. An important part of good health is being able to face problems and work out solutions to them. This process can be used to solve many problems

3 Major Decisions A teen might ask himself or herself questions similar to these when facing major decisions. Should I get a part time job? What would I like to do? Should I participate in a sports program? Which one? Should I study for the big test tomorrow?

4 Minor Decisions What color socks am I going to wear today?
Should I use blue or black ink pen to write with?

5 A. Consider the Risks Many actions you take involve risks.
Risk behavior- Is the possibility that an action may cause injury or harm to you or others.

6 Consider Risks (cont.) Precautions: Is a planned action taken before an event to increase the chances of a safe outcome Ex: Learning how to ski can be a high-risk activity. However you can make it less risky by using safe equipment and getting lessons

7 Decision Making Before making any major decisions, think about the risks involved and ask yourself these questions: Are they necessary risks? If the risks are reasonable, what precautions can I take to increase my chances of a safe outcome?

8 Six Steps of Decision Making
State the Situation- What is it that you want to accomplish? List the options- What are some possible things I could do in this situation? Weigh the possible outcomes- Are their both positive and negative outcomes? Develop a “T” chart and list the positive and negative.

9 Steps of Decision Making (Cont.)
Make a Decision and Act- Take all the available information and make a decision

10 Review 6 Steps of Decision Making
State the Situation List options Weigh the possible outcomes Consider your values Make a decision and act Evaluate the decision

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