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Superintendent’s Proposed Budget

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1 2010-2011 Superintendent’s Proposed Budget
Presentation for Providence School Board April 26, 2010

2 FY2011 Budget Overview The School Department’s approved budget is $313,545,652 The Superintendent’s proposed budget is $329,436,497 The FY2011 Budget is $15,890,845 or 5.07% higher than FY2010 93.5% ($14,863,973) of the expenditure increase is due to salary and benefits Budget increases are driven by: Labor agreements Vendor agreements State regulations and laws Enrollment

3 FY2011 Budget Overview State Aid will be level funded at the original amount for FY2010 Governor’s FY2011 Proposed Budget calls for a $7.1 million reduction in Aid to Education for Providence The City appropriation to schools will remain at the FY2010 amount City funded 38.41% of FY2010 budget. Level funding of the FY2011 proposed budget is 36.6% Federal Entitlements will be level funded The approval of State-wide Funding Formula was not assumed

4 FY2011 Budget Overview Proposed FY2011 budget includes a $16.8 million budget gap Level funding of City and State aid assume No across-the-board salary increases scheduled for FY2011 Negotiated wage freeze for Local 1033 employees

5 Expenditure Variances in FY2011 Budget (Summary)
FY2010 Approved Budget $313,545,652 FY10-FY11 Description Variance Salary & Benefits $14,863,973 Services $967,333 Materials & Supplies ($461,167) Equipment $85,746 Utilities $434,960 FY2011 Proposed Budget $329,436,497

6 Revenues FY2010 Approved Budget $313,545,865 FY10-FY11 Description
Variance City Appropriation $164,820 E-rate Reimbursement $65,000 Master Lease Reimbursement ($1,000,000) Transfer from Indirect Cost ($200,000) FY2011 Proposed Budget $312,575,685

7 Budget Schedule (Anticipated)
April Budget workshops April 27 Budget submitted to Mayor May 1 Budget submitted to Council June Council budget hearings June-July Final state aid determined July Council adopts city budget July-August School board approval July-August Council approves ordinances

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