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Presentation on theme: "BEING POSITIVE."— Presentation transcript:


2 LEARNING TARGET I will understand how to approach future tasks or situations in a positive and productive way.

3 SUCCESS CRITERIA To find 3 positive things in all situations.
To give advice to someone to help them to stay positive.

4 Why is it easier to be focussed on the negative rather than the positive?

5 Being Positive / Negative
In pairs we are going to look at different situations from different points of view – one of you will argue the positive sides and one will argue the negative sides. You just broke up with your boyfriend / girlfriend You just got a bad grade on a test You have just lost your homework Your cat has gone missing You are walking home and it starts to rain and you don’t have a coat

6 BEING POSITIVE Which side was easiest to argue?
Which argument made you feel better? Which side would you rather be on?

7 BEING POSITIVE How does being positive help you approach situations which haven’t gone so right?

8 Being Positive Jessica has had a bad day, her Dad has been in a car accident and is now in hospital. Name 3 positive things out of this situation

9 BEING POSITIVE Joshua’s friends are bullying him and calling him names. He’s been getting this for weeks and is feeling quite low. Name 3 positive things out of this situation

10 BEING POSITIVE Austin punctured his bike tire and has to push his bike all the way home (up a massive hill). He knows his Dad will make him pay to repair the wheel as this is the 5th time this has happened. Name 3 positive things out of this situation

What advice would you give someone to make sure that they stay positive – even through hard times? Think- Pair - Share Don’t Worry- Be HAPPY!


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