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What are you most excited to learn about this school year?

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1 What are you most excited to learn about this school year?
Journal Entry 9/10/18 What are you most excited to learn about this school year? Based on what you know about the class

2 Early Modern Europe (EME) Unit Introduction
Unit Goal: Understand the emergence of modern European society and government post dark ages Understand the importance of the Renaissance period Understand the power struggle between the Catholic Church and European nobility Understand the impact of Martin Luther and the Reformation Understand how the Reformation impacted Absolute Monarchs in Europe Why: It is important to understand the context of early modern Europe to set up the growth of European nations, which will eventually impact the political turmoil and wars of the late 19th and 20th centuries. What will we cover? Context – Middle Ages Return to the arts and classical studies: Renaissance Rise and corruption of the Catholic Church Reformation of the Catholic Church Religious wars as a result of conflicts amongst European Christian Society Impacts of all of the aforementioned things on society and the peoples of continental Europe

3 Critical Terms for Understanding History
Argument/perspective/bias/opinion – Taking a stance on a particular subject or topic. These terms are synonymous This can also be called opinion from a personal perspective In a formal written way this is called a thesis Context – The information needed in order to understand a history or an argument/perspective/bias/opinion Think of this as the setup for what you are about to learn/read Almost everything needs some form of context for understanding Evidence – The critical information needed in order to fully understand an argument/perspective/bias/opinion Analysis – The explanation (although it can be used in other ways) of why the evidence is supporting the argument/perspective/bias/ opinion In history, you will need to articulate your opinions in several ways, while defending, and explaining those opinions. These aforementioned terms are the formal terms used to do that.

4 Renaissance and Reformation Timeline
Plagues Papacy in Avignon Catholic Reformation Emergence of Christianity Petrine Supremacy Great Schism Counter Reformation Early Church Reform Rise of Catholicism Vikings and the emergence of Fiefdoms Germanic Tribes Renaissance Italian & Northern Charlemagne & The Carolingians 300s 1600

5 Rest of this Week… Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Intro unit and mini writing assignment Tuesday Research day in library Wednesday Writing day in lab Thursday Jigsaw information from mini writing assignment Friday Myers will recap the basic info from the unit and give context on Catholicism in Europe

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