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Masking for BC Initial masker level for BC = ACNTE + OE , where OE is the occlusion effect Use of insert earphones: Smaller occlusion effect, greater IA.

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Presentation on theme: "Masking for BC Initial masker level for BC = ACNTE + OE , where OE is the occlusion effect Use of insert earphones: Smaller occlusion effect, greater IA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Masking for BC Initial masker level for BC = ACNTE + OE , where OE is the occlusion effect Use of insert earphones: Smaller occlusion effect, greater IA Placement of masking transducer important.

2 Marking masked thresholds

3 Speech audiometry Necessary to determine the degree of speech recognition impairment. Test environment: One room vs. two-room Patient responses: Depends on the task. Can respond using written or verbal responses, or using pictures.

4 Threshold testing Speech detection threshold (SDT): Lowest level at which a subject can barely detect the presence of speech and identify it as speech. Speech does not have to be understood, just detected. Preferred materials: Sentences spoken monotonously. Speech recognition threshold: Lowest hearing level at which speech can barely be understood. Preferred materials: Running speech or spondees

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