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The Joint UML for EDOC Submission

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1 The Joint UML for EDOC Submission
ad/ Submitters: CBOP, Data Access Technologies, DSTC, EDS, Fujitsu, IBM, Iona Technologies, OPEN-IT, Sun Microsystems, Unisys Supporting companies: Hitachi, Netaccount, SINTEF

2 Agenda Introduction to UML for EDOC
Vision and Rationale Submission structure, RFP Requirements Platform Independent Modeling - ECA CCA Profile Entities Profile Events Profile Business Process Profile Relationships Profile Patterns Platform Specific Modeling EJB, FCM, MOF Technology Mappings Summary, RFP Requirements - Discussion

3 EDOC Vision Simplify the development of component based Enterprise (EDOC) systems by means of a modeling framework, based on UML 1.4 and conforming to the OMG Model Driven Architecture. Provide a platform independent, recursive collaboration based modeling approach that can be used at different levels of granularity and different degrees of coupling, for both business and systems modeling.

4 EDOC Key RFP Requirements
Modelling framework for enterprise distributed object computing systems: Based on UML 1.4 System operation directly relatable to business processes Models driven by business requirements Mappable to different platforms (incl. CORBA ) Specifically, support modelling of: Business entities Business processes Business rules Business events.

5 Submission Structure

6 Using RM-ODP viewpoints
Enterprise viewpoint (CCA, Business Processes, Entities, Relationships, Events) Information viewpoint (Entities, Events, Relationships) (CCA, Entities, Events) Computational viewpoint Technology viewpoint (UML for J2EE/EJB/JMS, CORBA 3/CCM, COM, SOAP, ebXML) Part I:Technology Specific Models Part II: ECA to technology mappings Part I: ECA (Technology abstraction: FCM) Engineering viewpoint Part I: Patterns - applied to all viewpoints

7 Four general categories of ProcessComponent

8 The Internet Computing Model
Portals Business Party Business Party Collaboration of independent entities Document exchange over internet technologies Large grain interactions, not “method calls” No required infrastructure * Long lived business processes Business transactions Not technical transactions

9 ECA “Pattern” for the MDA Platform Independent Models
Events Entities Process CCA Relationships Integration -viewpoints Patterns Platform Independent Models Technology mappings Platform Independent Models Platform Specific Models FCM MOM ebXML CORBA COM EJB etc

10 Platform Independent Modeling
The Enterprise Collaboration Architecture

11 Component Collaboration Architecture
CCA Component Collaboration Architecture Collaborative process component specification for ECA

12 The Marketplace Example
Order Conformation Shipped Process Complete Mechanics Are Us Buyer Acme Industries Seller Status Ship Req Physical Delivery Shipped Delivered GetItThere Freight Shipper

13 The Seller’s Detail Event Order Processing Shipping Receivables Order
Conformation Shipped Shipping Event Ship Req Receivables Shipped Delivered

14 The Buyer’s Detail Process DataFlow Process DataFlow
Supplier Evaluation Order Conformation Process DataFlow Shipped Order Process DataFlow Ship Req Receive Goods Shipped Delivered

15 Structure + Composition + Choreography
Specification of CCA Structure + Composition + Choreography

16 Parts of a CCA Specification
Structure of process components and protocols Process components, ports, protocols and documents Class Diagram or CCA Notation Composition of process components How components are used to specify components Collaboration diagram or CCA Notation Choreography Ordering of flows and protocols in and between process components Activity Diagram

17 Process Component A CCA Process Component defines a configurable behavioral unit that can be composed in a particular way They can be logical or physical, concrete or abstract They can represent anything from a business partner in a B2B exchange to a fine-grain computation Process Components can be used to compose other process components, recursively CCA is intended to be specialized, as a core architecture for process, entities and events at multiple levels of granularity CCA is compatible with the ebXML Business Process Specification Schema which specifies B2B collaborations Extends real-time capsule model

18 The Community Process Identify a “community process”, the roles and interactions Using CCA Notation

19 Component structure Component structure Defines the “outside”
Contract of a component

20 Meta Model for Structure
Key Point: Process Components have ports That either initiate or respond To a protocol or flow

21 Protocol Example Specification of a protocol

22 Meta Model for Protocol

23 Choreography of Protocol

24 Object Interfaces Use standard interface notation
Are a subtype of “Protocol” in the MetaModel Allow modeling of and integration with classical and/or existing objects

25 Composition Composition defines the “inside” of a component
Use of an interface Composition defines the “inside” of a component

26 Composition MetaModel

27 Properties Properties make process components configurable
They can be reset when a component is used – in a composition or at deployment time

28 ECA Entity Profile The model of things

29 Sample Information Model

30 MetaModel for Information Model

31 Adding Entities Entities are added to manage entity data
Entity Roles are managers that provides a view of the same identity in another context The Entities have ports for managing and accessing the entities Non-entities which are owned by (aggregate into) an entity are managed by the entity

32 Entity Meta Model

33 ECA Business Events The model of when…

34 Event Based Business Processes
Rules Business Services Business Process Business Events Business Actions Business Entity

35 Event Based Business Processes
Business Events Business Process Business Entity Business Rules Business Actions Business Rules Event Notification Business Process Business Events Business Actions Business Entity

36 Point to Point Notification
App Business Process Business Entity Business Rules Business Events Business Actions App Business Process Business Entity Business Rules Business Events Business Actions Event Notifications App Business Process Business Entity Business Rules Business Events Business Actions App Business Process Business Entity Business Rules Business Events Business Actions

37 Pub/Sub Notification Pub/Sub Loose Coupling App Business Process
Business Entity Business Rules Business Events Business Actions App Business Process Business Entity Business Rules Business Events Business Actions Pub/Sub App Business Process Business Entity Business Rules Business Events Business Actions App Business Process Business Entity Business Rules Business Events Business Actions Loose Coupling

38 PubSub Package

39 Event Package

40 Putting it all together
Business Rules Business Process Business Events Business Actions Business Entity

41 Event Example

42 Summary of Advantages Recursive decomposition & assembly Trace ability
Automating the development process Loose coupling Technology Independence Enabling a business component marketplace Simplicity through abstraction

43 Business Process Profile
how things are coordinated

44 Business Processes Specialize CCA Activity-centric view of a Process
Express Complex temporal and data dependencies between business activities Iteration of activities Alternative required Inputs and Outputs of activities Roles related to performers, artifacts and responsible parties for activities

45 The Business Process Concepts

46 ProcessComponent Specialization
CompoundTask is a special ProcessComponent Its Ports represent the type of an Activity Its Composition arranges Activities in a dependency graph Activity is a special ComponentUsage Its MultiPort usages contain ProcessPortConnectors (ProcessFlowPort usages) DataFlows between these Connectors express dependencies between Activities

47 Metamodel for BP Components
CT B A C RP PR2 AR PR1 Activity

48 BusinessProcess and BusinessProcessEntity
A BusinessProcess Exposes arbitrary Ports (outside) which define interfaces, operations, events for composition using CCA Its Composition (inside) is restricted to containing Activities and DataFlows A BusinessProcessEntity Is a BusinessProcess whose instances are uniquely identifiable

49 Port Types and Semantics
ProcessMultiPorts specialize CCA Multiports They act as correlators for data from many sources May be synchronous (required before starting an Activity) or asynchronous (accepted by Activity during execution) ProcessFlowPorts specialize CCA FlowPorts Multiplicity indicates how many values are required to enable containing Multiport 3 concrete kinds of ProcessMultiPort InputGroup – alternative data sets required to begin an Activity OutputGroup – alternative Activity result data sets ExceptionGroup – abnormal Activity results

50 ProcessPortConnector
Metamodel for BP Ports ProcessPortConnector DataFlow CT C A PR1 RP B AR PR2

51 ProcessPortConnector
Metamodel for BP Ports ProcessPortConnector DataFlow CT C A PR1 RP B AR PR2

52 Data Flows DataFlows are special CCA Connections
Uni-directional between ProcessFlowPorts DataFlows indicate data dependency & transmit values at run-time, or temporal dependency (aka control flow)

53 Process Roles ProcessRoles are placeholders for the components that an Activity needs to do its work Contain SelectionRules and/or CreationRules these are search expressions / factory parameters to bind to objects at run-time Three kinds of Roles Performer - does the job of the Activity Artifact – is a resource needed by the Performer ResponsibleParty - authorizes the Activity

54 Metamodel for Process Roles

55 Process Patterns The basic model elements
ProcessMultiPorts CompoundTasks Activities DataFlows Are used to define useful patterns for processes PreConditions and PostConditions Timers and ProcessTerminators Loops (while, for, repeat) MultiTask - which spawns parallel Activities for each value in a collection Input

56 Interactions between Interfaces and Process Definitions
BusinessProcesses are Roots of process definition graphs CCA “Interface” ProcessComponents on the outside CompoundTask Compositions on the inside Gateway from the component world into the process definition world ProcessRoles are Leaves of a process definition graph Bindings from Activities to “Interface” ProcessComponents which perform their work Gateway from the process definition world into the component world

57 Relationships Profile
useful associations and dependencies

58 Relationships Profile
Enables non-binary aggregations Defines useful association and dependency stereotypes

59 Aggregation Relationships
<<Aggregation>> is non-binary “black diamond” or “white diamond” whole/part association 4 more constrained aggregations are defined: <<Assembly>> is an aggregation where the whole cannot exist without its parts <<Subordination>> is an aggregation where the parts cannotb exist without the whole <<Packet>> is an aggregation where the parts or the whole may exist independently <<List>> is an aggregation where both the parts and the whole must exist in order to be valid (assembly and subordination)

60 Dependency Relationships
<<AbstractReference>> defines a dependency between a maintained instance whose properties are partly derived from a referenced instance 2 Concrete reference kinds are defined <<Reference>> is a dependency indicating that a maintained instance has properties derived from a referenced instance Whenever a property of the referenced element changes, the properties of the maintained element must be examined and possibly changed. <<ReferenceForCreate>> is a dependency indicating that at creation time a maintained instance has properties derived from a referenced instance, but thereafter they are independent

61 reusing parameterized designs
Patterns Profile reusing parameterized designs

62 Patterns Profile Profiles UML Parameterized Collaborations
Based on Business Function Object Patterns (BFOP) Multi-Layer Based on Catalysis Approach Adds stereotypes for Named Patterns Inheritance Composition Pattern Binding with renaming The proposed UML Profile for EDOC is designed to provide standard means, Business Function Object Patterns (BFOP), for expressing object models using UML package notation together with the mechanisms for applying patterns that are required to describe models. Successful implementation of an enterprise computing system requires that the system operation to be directly related to the business processes it supports. Reusable standard models are required in order to build good object models for EDOC systems. Standard models have Business Entities Objects, Business Processes Objects, Business Event Objects and Business Rules Objects of ECA. They also include a set of common and reusable patterns of relationship properties that occur in business modeling. BFOP is being developed to achieve this objective. When a composite pattern is granular enough to include implementation details, and it is possible to use it to describe a component concept such as CCA, each pattern package can be implemented with real components instead of unfolding it into a component pattern. [ST-B1]In short, the proposed pattern concept and mechanism can be applied to the components based development that is required in EDOC.

63 Applying Simple Pattern
A [t1/tt1] P A1 applying s2 <A> B m2 s1 t1 Unfolding and Renaming m1 Constraint/Operation B A1 tt1 s1 s2 m1 m2

64 Applying Inherited Pattern
<B1> A3 Constraint/Operation unfolding Applying P1 A1 B1 P2 A3 B2 P1 A1 B1 unfolding <A2> B2 Constraint/Operation A3 B2

65 Applying Composite Pattern
B1 C3 C4 Constraint/Operation Constraint/Operation unfolding P3 P1 P2 applying C1 C2 P1 P2 C4 C1 C2 <C3> unfolding Constraint/Operation A1 C4 B1

66 Patterns: Buyer/Seller
Inheritance Composition

67 Patterns: Buyer/Seller
Applying Unfolding

68 Platform Specific Modeling
EJB, FCM, MOF Technology mappings from EDOC to Distributed Component and Message Flow Platform Specific Models EDOC to J2EE/EJB mapping EDOC to CORBA/CCM mapping EDOC Business Process to FCM mapping EDOC Business Process to CORBA mappinG

69 EJB, Java Profile – and JSR-26 “UML for EJB”
EJB is an implementation technology for distributed components JSR-26 provides the UML Profile for EJB EDOC provides The EJB metamodel for this profile The Java metamodel to support the EJB metamodel Work in progress to map between the metamodel and the JSR-26 Profile

70 FCM – Flow Composition Model
General purpose model describing flows of information between application components enabling Breakdown of complex acctions into simple flow components Composition of simple entities into higher level flow models Layer of abstraction just above middleware technology WSDL, messaging, workflow Mappings to FCM EDOC: Business Process Profile EAI: messaging technologies

71 UML Profile for MOF The MOF Profile describes how to normatively express MOF models using UML. Used by this submission to express the MOF models in the EDOC Specification 2-way transformation between UML and MOF for Designing metamodels with UML (UML to MOF) Viewing metamodels with UML (MOF to UML) Expressed as tables showing: The mappings of element types Detailed mapping descriptions for individual element types Guidelines for MOF modeling using UML

72 Part II - Supporting Annexes
Annex A - Procurement, Buyer/Seller example Annex B - Meeting Room example Annex C - Hospital example Annex D - Examples of Patterns Annex E - Technology mappings from EDOC to Distributed Component and Message Flow Platform Specific Models XMI, DTD files

73 Introduction to EDOC and Platform Specific Models
Technology mappings from EDOC to Distributed Component and Message Flow Platform Specific Models Introduction to EDOC and Platform Specific Models Principal Platform Specific Models Mapping from EDOC to J2EE/EJB Mapping from EDOC to CORBA/CCM Mapping from EDOC Business Process profile to CORBA Mapping from EDOC Business Process profile to FCM

74 Abstract Technology Model
Deferred Synch request Naming service Persistence service Server Components Message Transaction service Concurrency XML Synchron. request Event - publish & subscribe Data services & Legacy systems Shared Business Services User services (application/process) Interaction/Pres services Trading service Security Workflow Streaming Integration service User Interface Document model Web interaction System/Use Mngt

75 Computational viewpoint

76 Computational viewpoint
Protocol derived from a “traditional” interface

77 Mapping from EDOC to EJB

78 Technology viewpoint (EJB)

79 Mapping from EDOC to Corba/CCM

80 Mapping from EDOC Business Process
To CORBA - based on mapping to Workflow service elements To CORBA -extended using Notification-based mapping To CORBA - alternative using Interface-based mapping To FCM- the Flow Composition Model

81 Wrap-up

82 The EDOC vision A MOF model and a UML profile sufficient to support seamless, robust and consistent specification of all elements of the life cycle of an enterprise system Enable the design, integration and subsequent evolution of enterprise systems Links business concepts to system implementation by using same modeling concepts on multiple levels Integrate commercial transactions, business processes and distributed object applications Insulate business system specifications from technological idiosyncrasies Support the development of specialized tools to improve the quality, cost and adaptability of business systems Enable a business system components marketplace

83 Summary: Mandatory Requirements
Specification of Business Process objects (R3) Modeling of Business Processes, Entities, Rules and Events (R2) Specification of Relationships (R4) Component modeling (R1) MOF alignment (R5) Proof of concept of Profile (R6) Proof of concept of Mappability (R7)

84 We need a review team – to report by (Toronto – 3 weeks)
Call for Volunteers We need a review team – to report by (Toronto – 3 weeks)

85 Tomorrow – UML4EDOC “Tutorial”
North Shore B See the ships - meet the men (and women)

86 Questions?

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