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Trivia Review: Middle Ages

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1 Trivia Review: Middle Ages

2 Round 1: Medieval Timeline

3 Round 1: Question 1 QUESTION: Event that marks the beginning of the Middle Ages ANSWER: Fall of Roman Empire

4 Round 1: Question 2 QUESTION: What are the 3 medieval time periods?
ANSWER: Early (Dark) M.A., High M.A., Late M.A.

5 Round 1: Question 3 QUESTION: What are 3 “D” words to describe the Early Middle Ages? ANSWER: dark, disorder, disunity, despair, depression, disloyalty, death, dumb, decay

6 Round 1: Question 4 QUESTION: 5 “C” words to describe the High Middle Ages ANSWER: Commerce, Cities, Crown, Church, Crusades, Culture, Cathedrals

7 Round 2: Germanic Rulers

8 Round 2: Question 1 QUESTION: Which Germanic ruler brought light into the Dark Ages in 800AD? ANSWER: Charlemagne

9 Round 2: Question 2 QUESTION: What was the only institution to survive the fall of the Roman Empire? ANSWER: The Catholic Church

10 Round 2: Question 3 QUESTION: Who was the Germanic ruler that converted to Christianity and gained the support of the Catholic Church? ANSWER: Clovis

11 Round 2: Question 4 QUESTION: Charles “The Hammer” Martel defeated this group at the Battle of Tours ANSWER: Muslims

12 Round 2: Question 5 QUESTION: Name at least two lasting effects of Charlemagne’s rule ANSWER: Spread Christianity into N. Europe, Developed an efficient government model, Developed an educational model

13 Round 3: Feudal Life

14 Round 3: Question 1 QUESTION: Peasant bound to the land ANSWER: Serf

15 Round 3: Question 2 QUESTION: Piece of land granted in exchange for services ANSWER: Fief

16 Round 3: Question 3 QUESTION: 2nd stage of knighthood ANSWER: Squire

17 Round 3: Question 4 QUESTION: One who receives a grant of land and owes loyalty and services to a nobleman ANSWER: Vassal

18 Round 3: Question 5 QUESTION: Economic component of feudalism
ANSWER: Manorialism

19 BONUS ROUND QUESTION: Put the following events in correct chronological order: The First Crusade, Charlemagne crowned emperor, End of Feudalism, The Black Death, Clovis converts to Christianity ANSWER: Clovis converts, Charlemagne crowned, The First Crusade, the Black Death, End of Feudalism

20 Round 4: Medieval Church

21 Round 4: Question 1 QUESTION: Church hierarchy – most powerful to least powerful ANSWER: pope, archbishop, bishop, priest

22 Round 4: Question 2 QUESTION: 3 powers of the Medieval Church
ANSWER: Sacraments, Excommunicate, Interdict, Collect tax (tithe)

23 Round 4: Question 3 QUESTION: 2 services provided by monks/nuns
ANSWER: schools, libraries, copying texts, helping poor

24 Round 4: Question 4 QUESTION: Pope’s battle cry for the First Crusade
ANSWER: “God wills it!”

25 Round 4: Question 5 QUESTION: 3 of the 7 sacraments
ANSWER: baptism, penance, Eucharist, confirmation, holy orders, matrimony, anointing of sick

26 Round 5: High Middle Ages

27 Round 5: Question 1 QUESTION: Language of everyday speech
ANSWER: Vernacular

28 Round 5: Question 2 QUESTION: 3 motivations for Crusades
ANSWER: Salvation, regain holy lands, adventure, land/wealth, forgiveness of sins, debts or feudal obligations

29 Round 5: Question 3 QUESTION: 2 results of the Crusades
ANSWER: Trade increased, legacy of hatred, growth of $ economy, lost faith in Church

30 Round 5: Question 4 QUESTION: English writer of Canterbury Tales
ANSWER: Chaucer

31 Round 5: Question 5 QUESTION: Movement that attempted to demonstrate reason and logic to support Church teachings ANSWER: Scholasticism

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