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Body Types and Eating Disorders

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1 Body Types and Eating Disorders
01 April 2014

2 Body Types

3 Body Types

4 Body Types

5 Endomorph Typically round & soft Pear shaped Ex: Jack Black, Beyonce

6 Mesomorph Athletic Broad shoulders & narrow waist Powerful
Ex: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone

7 Ectomorph Long & lean “bean pole” Not naturally powerful
Ex: Olsen Twins, Cameron Diaz

8 Match your body type to your workout
Every body has its advantages; knowing your morphological tendency is the first step toward identifying your hidden athletic aptitude. Try to work with your dominant body type at first, and then make the necessary adjustments to complement your other characteristics down the road.

9 Endomorph Physical characteristics: Stout and round; strong bones
Metabolic characteristics: Slower metabolism; often carries some excess body fat
Training positives: Naturally strong; quick to gain muscle
Training negatives: Difficult time losing weight

10 Endomorph Ideal sports Ideal exercises football Strength training
Long-distance swimming Push-ups Race walking Pull-ups rowing powerlifting cycling Cross-country skiing

11 Mesomorph Physical characteristics: Muscular and athletic
Metabolic characteristics: Gains and loses weight easily
Training positives: Responds well to both resistance and aerobic training
Training negatives: Can quickly overtrain; needs variety in workouts

12 Mesomorph Ideal sports Ideal exercises sprinting Interval training
triathlons Shuttle runs Middle-distance running sprints weightlifting Track workouts bodybuilding soccer hockey rugby

13 Ectomorph Physical characteristics: Tall and lean; small chest, thin hips
Metabolic characteristics: Fast metabolism and slow muscle gains
Training positives: Naturally fit; weight loss comes easily
Training negatives: Slow to gain muscle; exercise may cause weight loss

14 Ectomorph Ideal sports Ideal exercises Long distance running
Low-rep, heavy weight exercises Racquet sports Indoor cycling Cycling Body sculpting Circuit training

15 Definition of Eating Disorder
when a person eats, or refuses to eat, in order to satisfy a psychological, not a physical need

16 Types of Eating Disorders
Anorexia Nervosa Bulimia Nervosa Binge Eating Body Dysmorphia

17 Anorexia Nervosa Physical Signs Wish to be thin/fear of being fat
Feels fat even when they have lost a lot of weight Physical Signs Wish to be thin/fear of being fat Rapid weight loss Strange eating habits or refusing to eat Cannot concentrate Tired and cold Baby hair all over body Health Effects Stop menstruating Can cause infertility Damage to heart and other organs Osteoporosis Depressed Hair falls out Nails become brittle Death in 10-20% of people affected

18 Bulimia Nervosa Physical Signs Obsession about body image
Binges on large amounts of food and feels that they cannot physically stop eating, binge and purge Physical Signs Obsession about body image Weight goes up & down frequently Bingeing on food Disappears to washroom immediately after eating to purge Excessive exercise “Chopped knuckles” No energy Health Effects Constant sore throat Constipation Rotting teeth Irregular heart beat Depression Acid reflux Cankers (mouth sores) Death in 10-20% of people affected

19 Binge Eating Physical Signs Health Effects Weight gain Obesity
Consuming large quantities of food in a short period of time, until uncomfortably full Physical Signs Weight gain Loss of control when eating Low self-esteem Anxiety Hiding food/secretive eating patterns Feelings of guilt & shame Health Effects Obesity Menstrual irregularities High blood pressure & cholesterol Osteoarthritis Decreased mobility Shortness of breath Heart disease Liver & kidney problems Cardiac arrest or death

20 Excessive preoccupation with imagined defects in physical appearance
Body Dysmorphia Excessive preoccupation with imagined defects in physical appearance Physical Signs Excessive time looking in the mirror Forever fixing hair Wear heavy makeup or sunglasses Surgical procedures to correct the imagined defect Health Effects Obsessive compulsive like symptoms (OCD) Depression Self Mutilation (trying to fix imagined imperfection on their own)

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