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Class Differences in Achievement

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1 Class Differences in Achievement

2 Learning Objectives To explain external factors affecting class differences in achievement. To evaluate the impact of external factors affecting class differences in achievement.

3 Statistics In 2010: 83% of students whose parents are in higher professional jobs (upper middle class) achieved 5 A*-Cs at GCSE. 44% of students whose parents are in routine jobs (working class) achieved 5 A*-Cs at GCSE.

4 Class Differences in Achievement
Class differences in achievement are affected by two different types of factors: Internal factors (factors within the school) External factors (factors outside of the school)

5 External Factors The main external factors fall into the following categories: Cultural deprivation (including intellectual development, language and attitudes and values). Material deprivation Cultural capital

6 Cultural Deprivation What does cultural deprivation mean?
Cultural deprivation includes the following three aspects: Intellectual development Language Attitudes and values

7 External Factors For each of the following factors, individually explain how they may affect class differences in achievement without using your notes. Intellectual development Language Attitudes and values Material deprivation Cultural capital Once you have done this, refer back to your notes and add in extra details you have missed out, particularly key words and studies.

8 Criticisms of Cultural Deprivation
For each cultural deprivation theorist add as many criticisms as possible. Use all criticisms and note down the name of the sociologist criticising the studies where relevant. Study Criticisms Bernstein and Young: intellectual development Douglas: intellectual development Bereiter and Engelmann: language Bernstein: language Hyman: attitudes and values Sugarman: attitudes and values

9 Internal Factors For each of the following factors, individually explain how they may affect class differences in achievement. Labelling Self fulfilling prophecy Subcultures Marketisation and selection policies

10 Internal Factors How are the three main internal factors interlinked?
Why could it be argued that the internal factors may not affect class achievement?

11 Theoretical Views In your groups, note down what each theory would say about class differences in achievement and how to tackle it.

12 Policies In pairs, note down which policies were designed to tackle external and internal measures which affect class differences in achievement. Make sure you note down the name of the policy, the factor it was intended to tackle and how it tackled it.

13 Plenary Briefly note down which of the external factors has the biggest impact and why and which of the internal factors has the biggest impact and why.

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