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3D Text in Gimp Tutorial.

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Presentation on theme: "3D Text in Gimp Tutorial."— Presentation transcript:

1 3D Text in Gimp Tutorial

2 Starting Open gimp, and choose your font and type what ever you want.. i used font called “Comic Sans". Size of the canvas doesn’t really matter This would be a good time to download special fonts that you want to use

3 Perspective Select your perspective tool and bend the text down to the back like this... in the image and click on transform.

4 Duplicate Now duplicate the text layer.
After you duplicated the layer uncheck the first layer cuz we will be working with the original one. right-click on the layer and select "Alpha to selection".

5 Colors Now change the color to a darker color, in my case i changed it to grey, but it can be any color Select>None

6 Blurring Layer>Layer to Image Size Now go to filters > Blur >
Motion Blur and change the setting as the following in the pic.

7 More Duplication after blurring it duplicate it alot, i duplicated it 35 times.

8 Finish now remember the layer that we unchecked in the beginning, check it again make it visible.

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