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Integrating Numeracy into ELL Erin Cary and Kristin Klas

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1 Integrating Numeracy into ELL Erin Cary and Kristin Klas
Chart Your Course: Integrating Numeracy into ELL Erin Cary and Kristin Klas

2 Who are we? Who are our learners?
ELL Instructors CBO’s Twin Cities, MN Who are our learners? Immigrants and refugees: mainly Hmong, Somali, Bhutanese, Oromo, Latino, Karen, Karenni, Thai Limited and interrupted formal education

3 Why? Transitions to Integration Framework/ ACES
“ACES (Academic, Career & Employability Skills). The goal of ACES is to ensure that ABE programs are able to provide effective contextualized instruction integrating post-secondary education and training readiness, employability skills, and career readiness at all levels.” New GED test Life skills and student need What is MNI?

4 Human Bar Graphs Learners  answer a daily sign-in question by signing their names under the appropriate response. They then create a human bar graph by lining up in front of their response and the class compares responses.

5 What’s your experience teaching math?
Math is scary! I integrate it into ELL. I teach math!

6 Pie Chart of Predictions
Students begin reading a text as a class, Ss identify a question about future events in the text and debate evidence for their predictions Ss vote for their choice  The class then creates ratios and pie charts of student predictions and continues reading the text to check their results  

7 Blood Pressure Line Graph
Learners monitor their BP throughout a health unit, creating a line graph The line graph can then assist students in identifying goals to help improve their health  

8 Verb Functions Students categorize types of verbs according to their roles (action; saying/showing; thinking/feeling; describing/defining) in different genres of text (fictional, instructional, scientific, news) Ss represent the information in bar graphs in order to analyze how texts vary in purpose and how language choices help create genre.



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