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Energy Codes & Lighting Controls
Presentation Outline U.S. Energy Code Status ASHRAE 90.1
California Title 24 LEED EPAct 2005
ASHRAE 90.1 Overview To promote the use of energy-efficient lighting in commercial and high-rise residential buildings, the energy code requires: Manual or automatic controls (e.g. Occupancy Sensors, Panels) or switches that allow occupants to dim lights and turn them on or off when appropriate. (e.g. Occupancy Sensors) Total connected loads for indoor lighting systems that do not exceed power allowances for the building ( uses power density limits in W/sf). Energy-efficient exterior lighting.
Commercial Energy Code Status
ASHRAE 90.1-2004 Details ASHRAE 90.1-2004 Section 9 – Lighting
9.4 Mandatory Provisions 9.4.1 Lighting Control Automatic Lighting Shutoff Interior lighting in buildings larger than 5000 ft2 shall be controlled with and automatic control device to shut off building lighting in all spaces. This automatic control device shall function on either: a) A scheduled basis using a time-of-day operated control device that turns lighting off at specific programmed times – or b) An occupant sensor that shall turn lighting off within 30 minutes of an occupant leaving a space – or c) A signal from another control or alarm system that indicates the area is unoccupied,
ASHRAE 90.1 - Details Space Control
Each space enclosed by ceiling-height partitions shall have at least one control device for independently controlling the general lighting and shall be readily accessible and located so the occupant can see the controlled lighting. a) A control device shall be installed that automatically turns off the lighting within 30 minutes of all occupants leaving a space, except spaces with multi-scene control, in: 1) Classrooms, (not including shop classrooms, laboratory classrooms and preschool through 12th grade classrooms) 2) Conference/meeting rooms, 3) Employee lunch and break rooms. b) For all other spaces, each control shall be activated either manually by an occupant or automatically by sensing an occupant. Each control device shall control no more than 2,500 sq.ft. in spaces smaller than 10,000 sq.ft. and a maximum of 10,000 sq.ft. in spaces over 10,000 sq.ft. and be capable of overriding the automatic lighting shutoff for no more than 4 hours.
California Title 24 Energy Code for new buildings in California that greatly influences other codes such as ASHRAE-90.1 Section 119 – Mandatory Requirements for Lighting Control Devices Sensor Switch products are fully compliant w/ Title 24 Section 131 – Mandatory Requirements for Lighting Systems & Equipment Similar to ASHRAE 90.1 with added requirements for Multi-Level and Daylighting Control
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)
U.S. Green Building Council administered rating system that provides a national standard for what constitutes a green building. Points in different categories are earned for meeting certain criteria LEED-NC is for New Construction & Major Renovations LEED-CI is for Commercial Interiors Sensor Switch products may contribute to obtaining up to 22 points in 5 of 6 LEED-NC categories and 14.5 points in 5-6 LEED-CI categories
Sensor Switch’s Contribution to LEED
Credit Category Point Description LEED-NC Credit LEED-CI Credit Sustainable Sites (SS) Light Pollution Reduction 1 0.5 Energy & Atmosphere (EA) Optimize Energy Performance 1-10 Enhanced Commissioning Measurement & Verification 2 Materials & Resources (MR) Regional Materials – 10% Regional Materials – 20% Indoor Environmental Quality (EQ) Controllability of Systems, Lighting Daylight and Views 1-2 1-3 Innovation & Design Process (ID) Innovation in Design 1-4
EPAct 2005 The Energy Policy Act of 2005 created the Energy Efficient Commercial Buildings Deduction Allows building owners to deduct the entire cost of an interior lighting upgrade in the year the equipment is placed in service, subject to a cap. A maximum of $0.60/sq.ft. is available if: Bi-Level Switching is installed (except for exceptions) Lighting controls meet ASHRAE Reduce lighting power density by at least 25-40% of levels prescribed by ASHRAE
Bi-Level Switching and EPAct
Bi-level switching is defined as manual or automatic control (e.g. occupancy sensors) that provides two levels of lighting power in a space (not including off). Bi-level switching strategies include Split-ballasting to allow separate control of 50% of lamps or fixtures Bi-level ballasts Multiple-ballasts within one fixture Dimming ballasts Manual controls or dimmers Photosensors © 2013 Sensor Switch
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