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Muscular Nomenclature

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1 Muscular Nomenclature
There are 8 Criteria for Naming Muscles

2 1. Size Muscles are: Large (MAXIMUS or MAGNUS) or Small (MINIMUS) ex: Gluteus Maximus Short (BREVIS) or Long (LONGUS) Ex: Adductor Longus

3 2. Shape There are only 3 that we will concern ourselves with:
TRAPEZIUS (Large diamond-shaped muscle along our back) DELTOID (Refers to triangular shaped muscle on shoulders) SERRATUS Anterior (Saw-toothed shaped muscle due to attachment on ribs)

4 3. Direction of Muscle Fibers
Muscles will be parallel, perpendicular, or diagonal in relation to the midline of the body. RECTUS identifies muscles which run parallel. Ex: Rectus Abdominis OBLIQUE runs at an angle. Ex: External Oblique TRANSVERSE means the muscle runs perpendicular to the body. Ex:

5 4. Action of the Muscle This is what the muscle DOES.
FLEXORS – decrease an angle at a joint EXTENSORS – increase an angle at a joint PRONATORS – turn limbs to face downwards SUPINATORS – turns limbs to face upwards LEVATORS – lift things up DEPRESSORS – push or pull things down ROTATORS – produce movement around an axis ABDUCTORS – move bones away from midline of body ADDUCTORS – bring parts back towards the midline. Ex: Adductor longus SPHINCTERS – close openings. Ex: Pyloric Sphincter in stomach

6 5. Number of Points of Origin
Some are named based on how many points of attachment they have at their origin For example: BICEPS brachii has 2 points of origin TRICEPS brachii has 3 points of origin The QUADRICEPS in your leg has 4 points of origin FYI: ceps means “head”, brachii means “branches”

7 6. Origin and Insertion A few muscles are named based on WHAT they are connected to Ex: STERNOCLEIDOMASTOID – originates from the sternum and clavicle and inserts into the mastoid process of the skull.

8 7. Function of Muscle A small number of muscles are based on their major function Ex: MASSETER – comes from the Greek word for “chew”, and that’s what the masseter helps you to do Ex: RISORIUS – comes from the Latin word for “laugh”, and this muscle is crucial for the expressions of smilling and laughing

9 8. LOCATION Some are named based on where they are found
Ex: TEMPORALIS muscle is located over the temporal bone Ex: ZYGOMATICUS is located over your zygomatic cheek bone

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