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Audit of intra-uterine tranfers in the Yorkshire and Humber region

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1 Audit of intra-uterine tranfers in the Yorkshire and Humber region
Kalwa Munthali Cath Harrison Charlotte Bradford

2 Aims To determine: Reasons for transfer Clinical reason
Capacity – cots v staffing How soon after transfer delivery occurred Distance travelled by mother Compare use of fibronectin and steroids to previous audit data At transfer information to non clinical staff may not be clear. Proforma tries to tease out the reason for tranfer . Uplift in care or capacity In capacity tranfers – we want to look at number of cots available at the referring unit and the number of staff as at the time of the audit this was not clear on referal proforma. - time to delivery -how far they travelled – effect on family life , - has our reporting of fibronectin use and steroid use improved.

3 Reason given for referral
Referrals profile 483 referrals Average time to organise an IUT was 2 hours & 8 minutes Range (1 min – 45 hours ) Reason given for referral N Capacity 278 Uplift in care 203 Repatriation 2 Between september 2014 and august phone referals were made -from first contact to bed found and confirmed average 2 hours and 8 mins -most referrals were due to units being beyond their capacity

4 Transfer information 316 single 379 transfers 63 multiple
104 transfer requests withdrawn 21.5 % 314 ODN 65 OORT 483 referals resulted in 379 transfers Most single transfers 63 transfers were multiple involving.....women 104 requests were withdrawn after referal – some stated delivered at unit , bed now availble or deteriorated clinical condition, mother refused travel Compared with march 2017 activity report – 546 referred , 421 transferred (23% withdrawn) 64 OORT Year upto march referred , 389 transferred (23% withdrawn) 72 OORT ODN -operational delivery network OOR - out of region transfer

5 Transfer information 314 within region
distance travelled mean 42.3 miles ( range miles) 65 out of region distance travelled mean miles (range miles) Map of yorkshire km squared, a journey from chesterfield to hull 76 miles 122km Calderdale to burnley miles 20.6km Longest trip was a transfer to bristol

6 Delivery outcomes 194 delivery outcomes known 314 in region transfers
unknown 20 delivery outcomes known 65 out of region transfers First thing to note is missing data 48% of outcomes are unknown in region. (total % attrition 48% - in and of itself meaningless unless studied patient by patient Out of region outcomes 20 of 65 known , total attrition rate 69% 45 outcomes unknown

7 Delivery outcomes 46% within 48hrs 18% 2 to 5 days 36% > 5 days
As on slide

8 Delivery outcomes 35 % within 48hrs 15 % 2 – 5 days 50 % > 5 days

9 End

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