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Any questions from the reading?

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Presentation on theme: "Any questions from the reading?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Any questions from the reading?
Emergency Care Any questions from the reading?

2 Emergency vs. “Normal” Care
Emergency= life threatening/ potentially life threatening Minority “Normal”= non-life threatening (everything else) Majority

3 Avoiding an Emergency? Education Equipment Conditioning/Training
Environmental Considerations and activity modification What do all of these have in common? (think AT domains)

4 Time is of the Essence! Emergency Action Plan
Staff and EMS cooperation Assessment

5 Emergency Action Plan (EAP)
Considerations Type of event Personnel Special equipment Communication (EMS, event personnel) EMS access Injured Participant Parent contact Insurance info

6 Cooperation Imagine being injured severely and having the people who are supposed to be helping you doing any of the following: Arguing Acting confused Taking too much time

7 Cooperation Meet with EMS
Coaches and administrators know role/where to be

8 Like any thing else… Perfect practice makes perfect
Remember a life is at stake!!!!

9 Video (mountain biker vs. antelope)

10 Assessment 1◦ (primary) survey
Identify life threatening or potentially life threatening problems Loss of consciousness Airway/breathing compromise Circulation compromise/Shock Severe bleeding

11 Assessment cont. (1◦ survey)
Check-Call-Care “Check” Scene, # of victims, CABs “Call” Call 9-1-1 “Care” Begin tx/care

12 Assessment cont. (1◦ survey)
CABs “C” Consciousness, Circulation If no circulation, no need to do ‘A’ and ‘B’ “A” Alertness (type), Airway established “B” Breathing , Breaths

13 Question(s) of the Day What are the 3 C’s of emergency care?
Check (scene, victims, CABs), Call (9-1-1), Care (begin tx) What are the CAB’s and what should be checked for each? C= consciousness and circulation, A= alertness, airway established, B= breathing (look, listen, feel), breaths

14 Signs and Symptoms (sx)
Sign= objective finding Symptom (sx)= subjective finding Now, you tell me… Pain Swelling Low/High BP Elevated core temperature Clicking

15 Vital Signs Should be part of 1◦ survey
Pulse (60-80 adult, child) Radial, neck, brachial Do not check with thumb (use index and middle fingers) as thumb has own pulse BP (120/80) Systole- the pressure within the vessel walls when the heart beats Diastole- the pressure within the vessel walls between beats (during relaxation) Temperature (98.6 deg F) Oral, axilla, ear, rectal

16 Vital Signs cont. Respirations (12-20) Skin color (varies)
Normal, shallow, irregular, bloody Skin color (varies) Red, white, and blue Pupils (PEARL) Reaction more important than size

17 Vital Signs cont. State of consciousness (A&O x 4) X 4= person, place, day/time, event 4 classifications of alertness: A, V, P, N Muscle function (coordinated, strong, normal reflexes) Sensory function (normal sensation)

18 Severe Bleeding Internal (not usually visible)
Examples ?? s/sx: Abdominal: pain, bruising, rigidity, nausea, pain with percussion, shock s/sx Intracranial: pain, h/a, dizziness, nausea, cranial nerve abnormalities, shock s/sx External (highly visible)

19 Shock Defn: “a medical emergency in which the organs and tissues of the body are not receiving an adequate flow of blood” ( Decrease in oxygen Build up of cellular waste

20 Types of Shock 8 different types
Hemorrhagic Shock= loss of blood from injury Internal or External (warning blood present) Respiratory= lungs unable to supply oxygen to blood Neurogenic= loss of vascular control by nervous system significant vasodilation/decreased BP

21 Types of Shock cont. Cardiogenic= inadequate heart fxn
Rare in athletics Metabolic= severe loss of bodily fluids (not just blood) Anaphylactic= severe allergic reaction Usually carry Epi Pen if know allergic

22 Types of Shock cont. Septic= severe infection
Psychogenic= physiologic response to fear, stress, or emotional crisisfainting Vasovagal reponse (needles, pain, etc).

23 Shock cont. S/sx Low BP (systolic < 90) Rapid, yet weak pulse Lethargy, drowsyLOC Shallow, rapid respiration Pale, cold, clammy skin Restlessness and anxiety Thirst Fecal incontinence/decreased urinary retention Tx: maintain core temp, elevation 8-12 inches (depends on body part), calm individual, emergency services called

24 Homework

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