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Macbeth Act 5 Scene 1 Date:

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1 Macbeth Act 5 Scene 1 Date:
Objectives Take notes on the scene. Have students read the scene on their own Complete questions Warm-up – on a page with the heading above, draw 2 boxes Clear-headed, polite, disturbed, confused, guilt ridden, dangerous, mean, distracted, evil, wicked, traumatized, damaged Place the words above into 2 boxes, labelled Appropriate Inappropriate

2 Notes – write them down This scene shows the tragic ruin of Lady Macbeth. The doctor and her gentlewomen watch as she goes through the actions she has done for months, writing letters, sleepwalking. She has not had any sleep or rest. (Describe your understanding of guilt and what Lady Macbeth may be feeling guilty about).

3 Notes – write them down When Lady Macbeth enters it is one of the great dramatic moments of the play. The audience feels great pity for this woman because they realise she is not totally evil: She is a reminder of what may happen if the darker side of human nature is encouraged to the neglect of all good qualities. (What ‘darker side’ of human nature am I talking about here – list some human attributes that can get you in trouble).

4 Notes – write them down Lady Macbeth constantly rubs her hands as if to wash away the blood, the outward sign of the sin of murder. There is heavy irony here as she had told Macbeth “A little water clears us of this deed”. He knows then this is not true and she will never remove “the spot” she sees which indicates her implication in Duncan’s death and this is a metaphor for her guilt. (Do you feel sorry for her going crazy, think she deserves this or a bit of both? Choose and explain.)

5 Notes – write them down Her speech ranges back and forth in an illogical, crazed fashion. The doctor links Lady Macbeth’s tortured speech with the rumours he has heard and says she needs a priest, a confessor, rather than a doctor. (What can ‘cure’ her madness?)

6 Notes – write them down Lady Macbeth rambles in a crazy, sleep deprived mess. Link what she says with what she is remembering. ‘Wash your hands, put on your nightgown…’ ‘The Thane of Fife had a wife. Where is she now?’ ‘who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him’ ‘There’s knocking at the gate’ ‘No more o’ that my lord…You mar all with this starting’. She’s remembering what she told Macbeth to do after the murder of Duncan She’s remembering the aftermath, the consequences and blood caused by Duncan’s murder She remembers her fear when someone arrived at the castle after Duncan had been killed She wonders what has happened to Lady Macduff She’s remembering trying to calm Macbeth at the banquet when he starts seeing Ghosts.

7 Notes – write them down How do you feel about Lady Macbeth? Check or cross out every statement you agree with and explain why or why not: She deserves to be suffering now because she helped to kill an innocent, defenceless old man. She deserves our sympathy because she is very upset and could be suicidal. She has given up her own sanity for the sake of her husband. She only wanted the best for him. She was never really evil; she simply acted tough in order to help Macbeth.

8 Cooldown I think, I know, I wonder.

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