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Transforming Remediation in the USG -- How We Worked Together to Increase Student Success February 9, 2018 Georgia Association for Developmental Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Transforming Remediation in the USG -- How We Worked Together to Increase Student Success February 9, 2018 Georgia Association for Developmental Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transforming Remediation in the USG -- How We Worked Together to Increase Student Success February 9, 2018 Georgia Association for Developmental Education Barbara Brown Academic Affairs and Policy System Office University System of Georgia

2 2013: Task Forces Steering Committees
Transforming Remediation in English and Reading Transforming College Mathematics Steering Committees Ad Hoc Steering Committee on Transforming English and Reading Ad Hoc Steering Committee on Transforming College Mathematics

3 2014: Regional meetings around state to discuss recommendations.
Statewide (USG) meeting to discuss final recommendations. Committee on Remediation Policy and Procedures formulates new guidelines for the Academic and Student Affairs Handbook (summer 2014). BOR approval of revised policies and guidelines at August 20, 2014 meeting.

4 Recommendations: Eliminate use of Compass tests for EXIT from Learning Support (accomplished fall 2013) Students remain in Learning Support until they pass the collegiate course (ENGL 1101, MATH 1001, MATH 1101, or MATH 1111). Combine Learning Support in English and Reading into a single course. Initiated fall At scale fall 2015.

5 Recommendations: Require that Learning Support in the corequisite format become the predominant format for remediation at all USG institutions. (Approved fall Pilots fall At scale system-wide fall 2015.) Use multiple weighted measures to evaluate students for Learning Support Placement (Full implementation required by spring 2017) English Placement Index Mathematics Placement Index

6 Success w/Corequisite LS:
For the cohort of Learning Support students entering in Fall 2010, only 21% completed collegiate courses within 2 years.

7 Challenges of Corequisite Learning Support:
Since exit from Learning Support is dependent on passing the collegiate course, some institutions have reported difficulty in getting students to take the corequisite course seriously. Ensuring that corequisite and collegiate sections are carefully coordinated. Staffing issues. Students at all levels of preparation are more likely to complete the collegiate course if they start in corequisite Learning Support.




11 New Recommendations: No later than fall 2018 ALL Learning Support must be provided in the form of corequisite Learning Support. The default placement for all students will be in corequisite Learning Support paired with ENGL 1101 or with MATH 1001, 1101, or Students may exempt placement in corequisite Learning Support by achieving an exemption score on any of several measures.

12 New Recommendations: Stronger emphasis on careful coordination of content between corequisite and collegiate course sections. Requirement that institutions offering Learning Support designate a Learning Support Coordinator tasked with overseeing all aspects of Learning Support from training of instructors to ensuring that placement guidelines are followed and that Learning Support data are entered correctly in Banner.

13 Challenges: Appropriate staffing for larger numbers of corequisite and collegiate sections. All students who were previously enrolled in Foundations-level Learning Support will now be enrolled in corequisite Learning Support and collegiate mathematics or English courses.

14 Multiple Weighted Measures:
English Placement Index Mathematics Placement Index Formulas based on combinations of High School Grade Point Average, SAT scores, ACT scores, and Compass scores. Derived based on data to predict students’ success.


16 Multiple Weighted Measures:
English Placement Index (EPI) Mathematics Placement Index (MPI) Challenges: Initial formulas had to be redone (spring 2014). ACT announced in June 2015 that it would be eliminating Compass testing effective November 30, 2016. SAT converted to a new SAT with a different scoring scale. We adopted Accuplacer tests to replace Compass. Classic Accuplacer will be replaced by Next-Generation Accuplacer. Classic Accuplacer will be eliminated January 28, Next- Generation Accuplacer is scored on a different scale than traditional Accuplacer.

17 Multiple Weighted Measures:
We will continue to use multiple measures, but they will not be combined in formulas. Students may exempt placement in Learning Support based on: Having transferable college credit for an Area A course. EPI or MPI High School Grade Point Average (HSGPA) SAT scores (old) SAT scores (new) ACT scores Accuplacer scores

18 To Exempt Placement in Corequisite Learning Support in English:
Transferrable credit for ENGL 1101 or 1102 EPI >= 4230 HSGPA >= 3.1 ACT >=17 SAT old Verbal/Critical Reading >= 430 SAT new Reading Test >= 24 Accuplacer Reading Comprehension >=61 AND WritePlacer>=4

19 To Exempt Placement in Corequisite Learning Support for MATH 1001 or 1101:
Transferrable credit for an Area A mathematics course. MPI >= 1165 HSGPA >= 3.2 ACT >= 17 SAT old Mathematics>= 400 SAT new Mathematics Test >= 22 Accuplacer Elementary Algebra >= 67

20 To Exempt Placement in Corequisite Learning Support for MATH 1111 (College Algebra):
Transferrable credit for an Area A mathematics course. MPI >= 1265 HSGPA >= 3.4 ACT >= 20 SAT old Mathematics>= 470 SAT new Mathematics Test >= 25.5 Accuplacer Elementary Algebra >= 79

21 To Achieve Placement in Corequisite Learning Support for MATH 1111:
Transferrable credit for an Area A mathematics course. MPI >= 1165 HSGPA >= 3.2 ACT >= 17 SAT old Mathematics>= 400 SAT new Mathematics Test >= 22 Accuplacer Elementary Algebra >= 67 These are the same criteria as for direct collegiate placement in MATH 1001 and MATH 1111. Students who want MATH 1111 but cannot place into corequisite support for MATH 1111 or directly into MATH will need to take and pass MATH 1001 or 1101 to become eligible to take MATH 1111 (without Learning Support).

22 Summary: More changes in 2018.
Building on our successes. Hopefully making Learning Support better. Elimination of Foundations-level Learning Support will simplify many things. Elimination of formulas for Placement Indices will simplify placement. Admissions will no longer be tied to “floor scores” for Learning Support placement We are in the process of revising the Learning Support guidelines in Section 2.9 of the Academic and Student Affairs Handbook. “Fundamental Features of Corequisite Learning Support” document provides guidance.

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