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Future Challenges for the Introduction of Nuclear Power

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Presentation on theme: "Future Challenges for the Introduction of Nuclear Power"— Presentation transcript:

1 Future Challenges for the Introduction of Nuclear Power
Ian Facer Nuclear Power Engineering Section

2 DG General Conference 2008 “Every Member State has the right to introduce nuclear power but they have the responsibility to do it right”

3 IAEA Projections 2007 IAEA projections by 2030 (RDS-1)
High 748 GWe, includes 20 new countries Low 473 GWe, includes 5 new countries Most of the growth expected from existing power countries Projections trending higher than in recent years High degree of uncertainty Compared to 370 GWe installed currently IEA and US EIA both edged up in recent years; WNA and IPCC also edged up Projections high degree of uncertainty, but general message is one of optimism


5 BACKGROUND What were we trying to achieve How has it worked
What could go wrong How should it develop Coordinated guidance Avoidance of compartmentalised approach To some extent, Milestones recognised worldwide, not as a Standard but as guidance

6 CURRENT POSITION Most Countries in Phase 1
Countries getting help form various sources Lack of coordination Concern over communication

7 CHALLENGES How to build Confidence and Trust

8 OPTIONS Openness Transparency Honesty
Match by suppliers respect and their responsibility for transferring technology and knowledge Be Self-critical Ask for help Demonstrate how your programme will achieve objectives Internal coordination

9 Issues to address national opinion
Siting Bid evaluation Regulatory radiation protection Finance by vendors Training by supplier

10 Issues to address: realistic
Coordinated national strategy and plan Human resources Regional cooperation Self assessment Legislation Regulatory competence Long term sustainability

11 Issues to address: realistic
Siting Bid evaluation Regulatory radiation protection Finance by vendors Training by supplier Coordinated national strategy and plan Human resources Regional cooperation Self assessment Legislation Regulatory competence Long term sustainability

12 ASSESSMENT Evaluation Methodology Self Assessment
Reviews (INIR Missions) Initial, progress, At Milestone 2 Response to Missions Maintain International Confidence and Trust

13 What do we wish to achieve
Any MS that wishes is fully ready to embark on a nuclear programme Worldwide assistance is harmonised Confidence and trust is high

14 Thank You

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