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Daisuke ABE Department of Physics, University of Tokyo

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1 Mean-field calculations with the Gogny force including the Tensor force
Daisuke ABE Department of Physics, University of Tokyo JSPS Research Fellow and Takaharu OTSUKA Center for Nuclear Study RIKEN August 2nd 2006 KEK

2 Motivation To understand exotic phenomena appearing in unstable nuclei
To investigate, in particular, Tensor-force effect on single-particle energies (SPE) because its effect on them is quite different from that of the LS force August 2nd 2006 KEK

3 Brief description of the Tensor Force
originates from the p- (and r-) meson exchange. plays an important role in nuclear properties, such as binding energies. can influence on SPE in the different way compared to the LS force. August 2nd 2006 KEK

4 Monopole Contribution of the Tensor Force
Repulsive j> j’> or j< j’< Attractive j> j’< or j< j’> 1g9/2 1f5/2 1f7/2  1h11/2 1g7/2  August 2nd 2006 KEK

5 Tensor Gogny Interaction
D1S J. F. Berger, et al., Nucl. Phys. A428 (1984) 23c GT2 T. Matsuo, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Tokyo (2004) Central Spin-orbit Density- dependent Tensor August 2nd 2006 KEK

6 Radial dependences of the tensor force in various interactions
August 2nd 2006 KEK

7 One-body potential Proton Neutron
August 2nd 2006 KEK

8 Results Z=8 0d3/2, 0d5/2 N=28 0f5/2, 0f7/2, 1p1/2, 1p3/2
Z=28 0f5/2, 0f7/2 Z=50 0h11/2, 0g7/2 (Z=82 0i13/2, 0h9/2) Z=114 0j15/2 August 2nd 2006 KEK

9 17F and 23F S. Michimasa et al., CNS-REP-67
5.00 EXP:-0.94 MeV 3/2+ 4.06 D1S:+1.89 GT2:- 0.56 1.78 1/2+ 0.50 0.00 0.00 5/2+ 17F 23F August 2nd 2006 KEK

10 Z=8 isotopes p0d3/2 p0d5/2 D1S GT2 n0d5/2 n1s1/2 n0d5/2 n1s1/2
August 2nd 2006 KEK

11 47Ar and 49Ca f:-0.875 MeV p:-0.890 MeV 49Ca 47Ar L. Gaudefroy et al.
5/2- 1/2- 3/2- f: MeV p: MeV 7/2- 49Ca August 2nd 2006 KEK 47Ar

12 N=28 isotones n0f5/2 n0f7/2 n1p1/2 n1p3/2 GT2 D1S p0d3/2 p0d3/2
August 2nd 2006 KEK

13 68Ni and 78Ni (Neutron SPE) T. Matsuo, Ph. D
68Ni and 78Ni (Neutron SPE) T. Matsuo, Ph. D. Thesis, University of Tokyo (2004) 1f7/2 1f5/2 40 50 Neutron number Energy [MeV] 1g9/2 1g9/2 August 2nd 2006 KEK

14 Proton SPE T. Matsuo, Ph. D. Thesis, University of Tokyo (2004)
Energy [MeV] 1f7/2 40 50 40 50 1g9/2 1g9/2 August 2nd 2006 KEK Neutron number

15 Z=28 isotopes n0f5/2 n0f7/2 p0f5/2 p0f7/2 D1S GT2 n0g9/2 n0g9/2
August 2nd 2006 KEK

16 Variation of the gap between 1f5/2 and 1f7/2 (N= 40-50)
August 2nd 2006 KEK

17 Density and spin-orbit potential
1f5/2 1f7/2 August 2nd 2006 KEK

18 51Sb isotopes (Proton SPE) J. P. Schiffer et al. , Phys. Rev. Lett
Energy [MeV] 1g7/2 64 70 82 Neutron number August 2nd 2006 KEK

19 Sb isotopes (Proton SPE) J. P. Schiffer et al. , Phys. Rev. Lett
August 2nd 2006 KEK

20 Z=50 isotopes p0h11/2 p0g7/2 n0h11/2 n0g7/2 D1S GT2 n0h11/2 n0h9/2
August 2nd 2006 KEK

21 Z=82 isotopes p0h9/2 p0i13/2 GT2 D1S n0i13/2 n0i13/2 Exp: -1.5 MeV (N=126->100) (Hurstel et al., Eur. Phys. J. A15, 329) August 2nd 2006 KEK

22 Super-heavy element p0i13/2 p1f7/2 GT2 D1S n0j15/2 n0j15/2
August 2nd 2006 KEK

23 Summary Tensor force can influence on SPE in the different way compared to the LS force. For example, Z=8, N=28, Z=28, Z=50, Z=82, Z=114 Pairing, deformation etc. August 2nd 2006 KEK

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