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Industrial Revolution

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1 Industrial Revolution

2 Effects of the Industrial Revolution
What was the industrial revolution? Machines coordinated to make goods Energy from non-animal sources Industry grew 4 times faster Changed all aspects of society Most profound effect since agriculture Government change Political and military balance Europe as dominant power Transformed social classes Higher standard of living for most

3 Effects of the Industrial Revolution

4 Effects of the Industrial Revolution

5 Origins Agricultural revolution
Horse and steel plow Fertilizer use Yields improved 300% Growth of foreign trade for manufactured goods Foreign colonies Increase in ships and size Successful wars and foreign conquest

6 Origins – Why England? Factors in England No civil strife
Government favored trade Laissez faire Large middle class Island geography Mobile population Everyone lived within 20 miles of navigable river Tradition of experimental science Weak guilds

7 Manufacturing Textiles 4-5 spinners per weaver Flying Shuttle

8 Manufacturing Textiles
Cotton gave stronger fibers Invention of Spinning Jenny Demand for skilled weavers Mechanical looms (flying shuttle) Jacquard looms

9 Richard Arkwright – 1771 Invents the spinning water frame
Constructs the first spinning factory Realized that several machines could be linked to create a factory Needed water power to turn the machines (water wheel expert) Needed gears (watchmaker) The creation of the first spinning factory was the beginning of the Industrial Revolution

10 Edmund Cartwright–1787 Power loom factory

11 Manufacturing Textiles
Jacquard looms

12 Manufacturing Negatives
Poor working conditions Children supplied labor Luddites Handicraftsmen replaced by machine Organized to stop industrialization

13 Energy and Transportation
Animal power and plant burning Water emerged as energy source Iron industry energy crisis Lack of wood Coal discovered Steam pumps for mines Steam engines Railroads

14 England vs. Continental Europe

15 England vs. Continental Europe
Produced 20% of industrial goods Gross national product rose 4x Population increase Inventors took inventions abroad Belgium’s coal and iron resources Germany iron and wool factories France slow to industrialize Mechanization came but late


17 Technology The Industrial Revolution was built on rapid advances in technology

18 Technology Is technology good?

19 Technology Is complexity good?

20 Technology How do we control technology without stifling progress?

21 Thank You

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