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Disaster!! Are you prepared?.

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Presentation on theme: "Disaster!! Are you prepared?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Disaster!! Are you prepared?

2 Attendance Snag it or have students write on whiteboard If you get kicked out of the room please log back in and enter the password: 911

3 Disaster has struck! You are going to need a piece of paper and a pencil. We are about to set the timer. You will have 3 minutes to go through your house and write down as many things you can visually see that you would need if were going to be in your home for 3 days with no electricity or running water.

Script: The question is, what would you if you were part of a natural disaster. It is not a far fetched idea that something like this could occur. We can look back to the year The devastating storm, Hurricane Katrina caused havoc in many of the Gulf states. The hardest hit came in New Orleans. Here is how students about your age had to deal with this tragedy. Play video for students by click the web tour: Ctrl C link and Ctrl paste link

5 When Disaster Strikes …
Galveston Hurricane 1900-deadliest Natural disaster in US history killing more than 6000 Americans. Script: Here are some images from past and present natural disasters. Please read the caption for each PICTURE. There are 3 pages of pictures. Great San Francisco Fire and Earthquake – April 18, 1906

6 When Disaster strikes contd.
Dust storm approaching home from 1930 Devastation from Hurricane Katrina 2005

7 When Disaster Strike… Flooded homes from Hurricane Katrina 2005
The remains off a church from Tornado 2012

8 Are we ready? Supplies How many students had Supplies? What you had?
Food and Water Equipment Bedding and Clothing Personal Supplies and Medication Fuel and Light Miscellaneous Go through scavenger hunt results with students using yes/no polling feature. Ask students: How many listed food or bottled water? Count checks, type number on whiteboard, ask students to write on whiteboard what they listed in category.

9 What were you missing that you wish you had?>
We are now going to divide you into groups and place you in breakout rooms. In your breakout room you are going to develop a emergency preparedness kit for 72 hours. You will have 5 minutes to create your list with your group. Remember, we can see what you type on the whiteboard and your participation is mandatory in order for you to receive credit for this collaboration.

10 You need a plan! We are now going to divide you into groups and place you in breakout rooms. In your breakout room you are going to develop a emergency preparedness kit for 72 hours. You will have 4 minutes to create your list with your group. Remember, we can see what you type on the whiteboard and your participation is mandatory in order for you to receive credit for this collaboration. (Team Hurricane, Wildfire, Earthquake, Tsunami, Tornado)

11 72 Hour Preparedness Kit

12 What do I turn IN? Turn in these slides. We have saved your emergency preparedness kit in these slides. We will tell you how to save the slides in just a second.. Turn in evaluation form (we will send to you)

13 What is the Collaboration Assessment Guide?
Complete this guide about your collaboration experience with your group. There is a part one, two and three.. Make sure you fill out all parts.

14 In the course: Where do I turn this in?

15 Attendance Snag it or have students write on whiteboard

16 Saving your slides 1. 2. 3. 2. Name the File 1. Selected Screens
1. Save to your desktop Before you begin, lets look at the steps together. (review steps) What will you do with this: Use it to complete the questions. Instructions are here. Upload it with 9.04. 2. Name the File Disaster collab 2. Name the file 3. Save as a PDF 4. Click Save

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