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ANA Discussion Topic Use of “type=11”

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1 802.11 ANA Discussion Topic Use of “type=11”
May 2006 doc.: IEEE /0528r0 November 2010 ANA Discussion Topic Use of “type=11” Date: Authors: Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation Bruce Kraemer, Marvell

2 November 2010 Introduction The ANA is responsible for administering numbers as described in 11-09/0002r4 ( OM) 11-09/0031r13 is the latest ANA database and indicates that the Type subfield of the MPDU Control Field value 11 is: Reserved for ANA frozen for due consideration by WG of an escape mechanism Draft P802.11ad_D1.0 has used one subtype of this value for its own purposes This presentation is intended to stimulate “due consideration” of this use so that the response of the ANA to any request from TGad can be determined Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

3 Agenda Describe the TGad usage Report output of editors’ meeting
November 2010 Agenda Describe the TGad usage Report output of editors’ meeting Determine a WG consensus through straw poll so that the ANA knows how to respond to any request from TGad Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

4 November 2010 Draft P802.11ad_D1.0 Defines type=11 as extension, and subtype=0000 as mmWaveBeacon Defined in response to .11ad’s need to have a beacon frame with the absolute minimum of overhead In .11ad, the effective beacon rate for a typical configuration (32 antenna elements) is <1 Mbps; i.e., 3000 times lower than the data rate needed for HDMI (3Gbps) Extension type implicitly inherit rules from (General frame format) Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

5 Editors’ Recommendation
November 2010 Editors’ Recommendation Editor’s meeting reviewed this topic on Tuesday. The editors recommend to open up type=11, subtypes 0-3 for allocation; and to reserve other subtypes to allow for future TBD enhancements, e.g., to distinguish protected extension frames from non-protected extension frames. Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

6 November 2010 Straw Poll Open MAC control field, type=11, subtypes 0-3 for allocation. Reserve subtypes 4-15 for future WG discussion on use. Yes No Adrian Stephens, Intel Corporation

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