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Exhibit 7.35 Among Covered Workers with a Separate per Person Out-of-Pocket Maximum for Family Coverage, Distribution of Number of Family Members Required.

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Presentation on theme: "Exhibit 7.35 Among Covered Workers with a Separate per Person Out-of-Pocket Maximum for Family Coverage, Distribution of Number of Family Members Required."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exhibit 7.35 Among Covered Workers with a Separate per Person Out-of-Pocket Maximum for Family Coverage, Distribution of Number of Family Members Required to Meet the Maximum, by Plan Type, 2012 * Distribution is statistically different from All Plans distribution (p<.05). NOTE: Sufficient data was not available for POS plans. The survey distinguishes between plans that have a family aggregate out-of- pocket maximum that applies to spending by any covered person in the family or a separate out-of-pocket maximum that applies to spending by each family member or a limited number of family members. In 2012, the survey’s skip logic was edited so that firms who selected a separate out-of-pocket maximum were asked if they had a combined limit or if the limit was considered met when a specified number of family members reached their separate per-person limit. SOURCE: Kaiser/HRET Survey of Employer-Sponsored Health Benefits, 2012.

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