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Your Style of Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Your Style of Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your Style of Learning

2 It’s all about storing stuff.
People store stuff in 3 basic ways No one way is better than another Take the Learning Styles Inventory to discover your STYLE!

3 Go on, take the survey already!
Pause Slideshow Go on, take the survey already! Number a lined sheet of paper from 1 to 36 Make 2 columns on the left side – you only need enough room for a checkmark Your teacher will read a statement, and if sounds like you, make some sort of mark next to that number There are no wrong answers

4 Scoring your Answers On the right side of your paper, write the capital letters A K V For each statement, I’ll tell you where to put a tally mark if you have that statement checked. For instance, if you have a smiley or check or circle next to number one, put a tally mark under the A

5 While we go through all 40 answers.
Pause While we go through all 40 answers. p.s. You do not need to make a tally mark each time, only when you have the statement checked.

6 What is your Highest Letter?
K V Raise Your Hand

7 ? What are the totals for the class? What does this mean?

8 A= Auditory Learner Learn best by hearing / talking
Remember music and sounds Remember what they discuss WRITE AND DRAW Oldest daughter story

9 K= Kinesthetic Learner
Learn best by doing Good at muscle control (athletics, crafts) Store memories as actions and sensations Remember what they feel (emotions too) WRITE AND DRAW Youngest son story

10 V=Visual Learner Remember what they see Store memories as pictures
Good at problem solving and puzzles Good readers and writers WRITE AND DRAW Andi Story

11 What kinds of tests have you taken?

12 What testing style is each of these? V A K

13 Why do teachers test using visual based tests?

14 We’re Stuck with Visual Testing
Fast Cheap Easy Standardized

15 What can we do? Read, Read, Read! Write Draw

16 We want you to succeed ! Better Grades Higher self-esteem
More educational opportunities Better chance of going to college Better career Better lifestyle

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