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Consciousness Psychology 1106 1/3/2019.

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1 Consciousness Psychology 1106 1/3/2019

2 Introduction One of the early definitions of psychology was ‘the study of consciousness’ How do we study the unobservable Behaviourism took over Big problem is, how do you define it? Self awareness? How do you measure that? 1/3/2019

3 Some thoughts Conscious processing = effortful processing done serially Unconscious processing = automatic processing, done in parallel Things become automatic over time 1/3/2019

4 Sleep and dreams Daydreams are not sleep Fantasies Ok
Fantasy prone personality 4% of the population Replaced by drugs and violence? 1/3/2019

5 Circadian rhythms 24 hr clock Sleep and wakefulness cycle
Clock can be set and reset Jet lag Exercise and sex Pineal gland and SCN play a role 1/3/2019

6 sleep There are rhythms within sleep too
90 min or so cycle of dreaming Five stages of sleep Alpha to delta REM 1/3/2019

7 REM 25% of the night Eye movement Hallucinations Genital arousal
Everybody dreams We need REM 1/3/2019

8 Without REM Tired Immune system depressed Creativity drops
Trouble concentrating Slowed performance Misperception HGH is released during sleep So insomnia is a big deal 1/3/2019

9 Sleep disorders Insomnia as mentioned Narcolepsy Sleep apnea
Drop right into REM Sleep apnea Deprived of O2, less slow wave sleep Potentially fatal Night terrors Stage 4 Mostly kids 1/3/2019

10 Dream On Male female differences External stimuli can have an effect
Number of characters Sex of characters External stimuli can have an effect May be able to learn simple associations NOT taped material (Eich, 1990) 1/3/2019

11 Why do we dream? Safety valve? (Freud) Learning? Physiology?
Brain gets stimulated Makes sense of random stimulation Probably a good guess 1/3/2019

12 Hypnosis Myths debunked! Could be a social phenomenon
DOES NOT work on everyone DOES NOT enhance recall DOES NOT make you do stuff against your will DOES NOT cure diseases, drug dependence DOES alleviate pain (makes sense) Could be a social phenomenon Could be divided attantion 1/3/2019

13 Drugs Alter our inner mental life, so seems appropriate to discuss here Tolerance Dependence Addiction? Is this a disease? Mesolimbic dopamine system 1/3/2019

14 Depressants Stuff that slows you down Alcohol Benzodiazepines
Barbiturates Opiates Brain activity slowed Disinhibition Pretty dangerous, could slow you down too much... expectations 1/3/2019

15 Stimulants Amphetamine E Coke Caffeine Nicotine Both block reuptake
Block a neuromodulator Nicotine 1/3/2019

16 Hallucinogenics Acid ‘shrooms PCP
Don’t operate on the reward system but they are fun anyway! 1/3/2019

17 Pot Cannabis sativa Dangerous? Birth defects? Negative tolerance?
Everything is funny You are not nearly as deep as you think you are when you are high Has many good side effects 1/3/2019

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