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Application Web Services and Event / Messaging Systems

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1 Application Web Services and Event / Messaging Systems
NeSC Glasgow July PTLIU Laboratory for Community Grids Geoffrey Fox, Shrideep Pallickara, Marlon Pierce Computer Science, Informatics, Physics Indiana University, Bloomington IN 1/3/2019 uri="

2 Application Portal in a Minute (box)
Systems like Unicore, GPDK, Gridport (HotPage), Gateway, Legion provide “Grid or GCE Shell” interfaces to users (user portals) Run a job; find its status; manipulate files Basic UNIX Shell-like capabilities Application Portals (Problem Solving Environments) are often built on top of “Shell Portals” but this can be quite time confusing Application Portal = Shell Portal Web Service + Application (factory) Web service 1/3/2019 uri="

3 Application Web service
Application Web Service is ONLY metadata Application is NOT touched Application Web service defined by two sets of schema: First set defines the abstract state of the application What are my options for invoking myapp? Dub these to be “abstract descriptors” Second set defines a specific instance of the application I want to use myapp with input1.dat on Dub these to be “instance descriptors”. Each descriptor group consists of Application descriptor schema Host (resource) descriptor schema Execution environment (queue or shell) descriptor schema 1/3/2019 uri="

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5 Engineering Application WS
Schema wizard: given a Schema, creates (JSP) web page with form to specify XML Instances Use for application metadata AntiSchema wizard: given an HTML form, creates a Schema Captures input parameters of application Castor converts Schema to Java Use Python if you prefer! Apache converts Java into Web Services Make this in a portlet for use in favorite portal Being used today in DoD …….. (with and without Globus) 1/3/2019 uri="

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An entry page for the schema wizard. You provide a java package name (to be used for generated Castor classes) and selected a schema. 1/3/2019 uri="

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The sample schema test.xsd. We will select this schema for the wizard. 1/3/2019 uri="

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Selecting test.xsd automatically generates the JSP interface on next slide. User can then fill out the form and generate a schema instance (pictured on the right). Several mapping rules are illustrated: String and integer elements map to text fields. Unbounded strings and integers are mapped to editable dropdown menus. Complex type displays can be built up from lower level display elements. And so on. 1/3/2019 uri="

9 Different Web Service Organizations
Everything is a resource implemented as a Web Service, whether it be: back end supercomputers and a petabyte data Microsoft PowerPoint and this file Web Services communicate by messages ….. Grids and Peer to Peer (P2P) networks can be integrated by building both in terms of Web Services with different (or in fact sometimes the same) implementations of core services such as registration, discovery, life-cycle, collaboration and event or message transport ….. Gives a Peer-to-Peer Grid Here we discuss Event or Message Service linking web services together 1/3/2019 uri="

10 Peer to Peer Grid Peers Integrate P2P and Grid/WS Peers
Database Database Peers Resource Facing Web Service Interfaces Event/ Message Brokers Integrate P2P and Grid/WS Peer to Peer Grid Web Service Interfaces Peers User Facing Web Service Interfaces A democratic organization Peer to Peer Grid 1/3/2019 uri="

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XML Skin XML Skin Message Or Event Based Inter Connection Soft ware Resource Soft ware Resource Data base e-Science/Grid/P2P Networks are XML Specified Resources connected by XML specified messages Implementation of resource and connection may or may not be XML 1/3/2019 uri="

12 Role of Event/Message Brokers
We will use events and messages interchangeably An event is a time stamped message Our systems are built from clients, servers and “event brokers” These are logical functions – a given computer can have one or more of these functions In P2P networks, computers typically multifunction; in Grids one tends to have separate function computers Event Brokers “just” provide message/event services; servers provide traditional distributed object services as Web services There are functionalities that only depend on event itself and perhaps the data format; they do not depend on details of application and can be shared among several applications NaradaBrokering is designed to provide these functionalities MPI provided such functionalities for all parallel computing 1/3/2019 uri="

13 NaradaBrokering implements an Event Web Service
(Virtual) Queue Web Service 2 Destination Source Matching Filter Routing workflow WSDL Ports Broker Filter is mapping to PDA or slow communication channel (universal access) – see our PDA adaptor Workflow implements message process Routing illustrated by JXTA Destination-Source matching illustrated by JMS using Publish-Subscribe mechanism 1/3/2019 uri="

14 Engineering Issues Addressed by Event / Messaging Service
Application level Quality of Service – give audio highest priority Tunnel through firewalls Filter messages to slow (collaborative or real time) clients Hardware multicast is erratically implemented (Event service can dynamically use software multicast) Scaling of software multicast Elegant implementation of Collaboration in a Groove Networks (done better) style Integrate synchronous and asynchronous collaboration 1/3/2019 uri="

15 Features of Event Service I
MPI nowadays aims at a microsecond latency The Event Web Service aims at a millisecond latency Typical distributed system travel times are many milliseconds (to seconds for Geosynchronous satellites) Different performance/functionality trade-off Messages are not sent directly from P to S but rather from P to Broker B and from Broker B to subscriber S Actually a network of brokers Synchronous systems: B acts as a real-time router/filterer Messages can be archived and software multicast Asynchronous systems: B acts as an XML database and workflow engine Subscription is in each case, roughly equivalent to a database query 1/3/2019 uri="

16 Features of Event Web Service II
In principle Message brokering can be virtual and compiled away in the same way that WSDL ports can be bound in real time to optimal transport mechanism All Web Services are specified in XML but can be implemented quite differently Audio Video Conferencing sessions could be negotiated using SOAP (raw XML) messages and agree to use certain video codecs transmitted by UDP/RTP There is a collection of XML Schema – call it GXOS – specifying event service and requirements of message streams and their endpoints One can sometimes compile message streams specified in GXOS to MPI or to local method call Event Service must support dynamic heterogeneous protocols 1/3/2019 uri="

17 Features of Event Web Service III
The event web service is naturally implemented as a dynamic distributed network Required for fault tolerance and performance A new classroom joins my online lecture A broker is created to handle students – multicast locally my messages to classroom; handle with high performance local messages between students Company X sets up a firewall The event service sets up brokers either side of firewall to optimize transport through the firewall Note all message based applications use same message service Web services imply ALL applications are (possibly virtual) message based 1/3/2019 uri="

18 Single Server P2P Illusion
Traditional Collaboration Architecture e.g. commercial WebEx Data base Collaboration Server 1/3/2019 uri="

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Narada Broker Network (P2P) Community For message/events service Broker Broker (P2P) Community Resource Broker Broker Broker Data base (P2P) Community Software multicast Broker (P2P) Community 1/3/2019 uri="

20 NaradaBrokering and JMS (Java Message Service)
Low Rate; Small Messages (commercial JMS) 1/3/2019 uri="

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JXTA just got slower Client  JXTA  JXTA  Client Client  JXTA  Narada  JXTA  Client Client  JXTA  JXTA  Client multicast Narada Client Pure Narada 2 hops Client Narada 1/3/2019 uri="

22 Event (Message) Service
Shared Input Port (Replicated WS) Collaboration Collaboration as a WS Set up Session Web Service F I U O R WS Display WS Viewer Master Web Service F I U O R WS Display WS Viewer Event (Message) Service Other Participants Web Service F I U O R WS Display WS Viewer 1/3/2019 uri="

23 Event (Message) Service
Shared Output Port Collaboration Collaboration as a WS Set up Session Web Service Message Interceptor Master Application or Content source WSDL Web Service F I U O R WS Display WS Viewer WS Viewer WS Display Event (Message) Service Other Participants WS Viewer WS Display 1/3/2019 uri="

24 NaradaBrokering Futures
Higher Performance – reduce minimum transit time to around one millisecond Substantial operational testing Security – allow Grid (Kerberos/PKI) security mechanisms Support of more protocols with dynamic switching as in JXTA – SOAP, RMI, RTP/UDP Integration of simple XML database model using JXTA Search to manage distributed archives More formal specification of “native mode” and dynamic instantiation of brokers General Collaborative Web services 1/3/2019 uri="

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