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You have 5 minutes to complete the Get Started

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Presentation on theme: "You have 5 minutes to complete the Get Started"— Presentation transcript:

1 You have 5 minutes to complete the Get Started
Please Do Now Get Started’s are completed quickly, silently, and independently. Teachers will not answer questions during this time. When you are finished, sit silently until further instructed You have 5 minutes to complete the Get Started

2 Room A-213 – Classroom Expectations
SWBAT distinguish between actions and climate of a classroom that makes it positive and a classroom that is negative SWBAT describe expectations for behavior, and explain how following these expectations will prepare them to meet their mission

3 Read Aloud As your teacher reads the first chapter of The Skin I’m In and you watch a few scenes from Lean On Me gather ideas for what you think makes a positive classroom and a negative classroom. (Use evidence from the read aloud and movie as well as your own prior knowledge to answer)

4 Positive Classroom  Negative Classroom Calm/Safe Respect Learning Work Hard Fighting/Scary People are mean to one another Kids do not learn People do not care

5 Summarizing our Conclusions
In a negative classroom, people are mean, teachers do not care, students do not learn, kids feel unsafe, people do not smile, the teachers and students are ok with not working hard and not achieving goals. In a positive classroom, we are productive (demonstrate a strong work ethic, use time wisely, listen actively, demonstrate perseverance, etc), we are communicative (communicate effectively, challenge each other intellectually, positive and supportive of one another, show compassion, etc), and we are self-perceptive (accept only quality work, take responsibility for our actions, love who we are). We want our classroom to be a positive classroom, because when classrooms are positive, more students learn and more students go to college. Going to college will help you reach your mission and be whatever you want to be in life.

6 Classroom and Academic Expectations


8 ELA Grading

9 Social Studies

10 Social Studies Grading

11 Classroom Expectations
The atmosphere in this classroom will be formal and academic, but comfortable. Students will work hard, learn social studies, and enjoy the process. If a visitor walked into our classroom during the day, what should they see?

12 I expect students to do the following things to make sure the classroom runs smoothly:
Attend class, and arrive on time. Have materials ready when the bell rings. Listen when others are speaking. Follow directions the first time they are given. Get permission before speaking. Be polite and respectful toward each other. Stay on-task and focused on your task.

13 Working Together in Groups
Each student in a cooperative group will have a task which will be assigned by teacher or determined by group members. Example of tasks: - Leader: keep group on task, make sure everyone is helping. Make sure group area is clean for dismissal. Checks basket before Go-Getter returns it. -Reporter: Read directions, make sure the group uses time wisely - Recorder: writes down ideas for group - Go-Getter: Gets and returns group materials. Gets papers for group. Get file folders for group. Supply checker. Do you have everything?

14 Daily Procedures

15 Warm-up Procedure Get out your composition notebook.
Read the warm-up question on the board. Write the warm-up header.\ Begin your warm-up. 5-7 sentences!! Do not wait for the teacher to instruct you to begin working. If you finish the warm-up assignment early, find something quiet to work on while others are finishing.

16 IF THE TEACHER Taps the Zenergy Chime
Stop whatever you are doing at that moment. Face the teacher and wait silently. Notify any classmates who haven’t noticed that the teacher has tapped the chime No talking or whispering. All of your attention should be given to the teacher.

17 Zenergy Chime One chime- LOWER your voices
Two chimes- STOP, LOOK, LISTEN Three chimes- time to PACK Up

18 Eye-Balls, Click When I say “Eyeballs, You say “Click”
Another signal use in class is “eyeball, click”. When I say “Eyeballs, You say “Click” Stop whatever you are doing Face the teacher and wait silently. Notify any classmates who haven’t noticed No talking or whispering. All eyes are on the teacher.

19 When you finish work early . . .
Review your work quietly read a book. organize your planner or homework. sit quietly. Complete an activity in the “Early Finisher's” Box.

20 Tardy Procedure If you accumulate 3 tardy forms or more in one grading period, you will have a consequence (detention with teacher and/or a phone call to parents). If you accumulate 4 tardy forms or more in one grading period, an office referral will be written with the tardy forms attached.

Almost every child will miss a school day at some point this school year! Due to the sheer size of the 6th grade, it is impossible for teachers to keep up with them all! When your child misses a day they are expected to: Go to the “While You Were Out” Box in the classroom. Find the day(s) they were absent. Take all worksheets and assignments in the box. Turn in promptly based on Dent make-up work policy. Learning to Be Responsible!

22 Other Procedures

23 Walking in the Hall Procedure
When we are walking in the hall (fire drills, going to the bathroom, going outdoors, going to the cafeteria, etc.) Stay with the group. Go quickly and quietly to the destination. Walk on the right side of the hall SINGLE FILE.

24 Classroom Visitors You may smile but make sure you stay on task.
Possible visitors: Other students, Parents, Teachers, Principal, Assistant Principal, District Personnel, Superintendent Continue to work in class as you normally would. Remember to make a good impression for visitors. We want to impress them. You may answer any questions from them.

25 Guest Teacher or Substitute
Be polite and respectful. The teacher is a guest and we want to make a good impression. Continue to work in class as you normally would. Remember, we want to impress all visitors in our classroom.

26 Where do you go in case of a fire drill?
Safety Drills Where do you go in case of a fire drill?

27 Fire Drill Go the bus parking lot to the classes designated spot.
Follow the leader, stay in a single file line. Stand outside in a single file line QUIETLY. Wait until you are called back inside. Walk quickly and quietly back to the classroom make sure you are being quiet. Get seated and quickly return to the classroom task.

28 Tornado Move quickly to Ms. Brewer’s classroom.
Line up facing the wall. Sit in a crouched position tucking your head. Wait for directions from teacher. When drill is over, quietly stand and we will move as a class back to the classroom.

29 Lock Down Teacher sweeps the hallway.
Students stay in room. Our “safe zone” away from the doors, near the “Turn In” paper area. Students wait for the drill to be over. There is NO TALKING. YOU MAY NOT OPEN THE DOOR FOR ANYONE!!!!!!!!! Once we receive announcement that everything is okay students return to seats.

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