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Explorers of the Age of Exploration

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1 Explorers of the Age of Exploration
Mr. Condry’s Social Studies Class

2 John Cabot Birth/Death: 1450 CE – 1500 CE Nationality: Venetian
Birthplace: Genoa, Italy Quick Facts: born Giovanni Caboto, was a Venetian explorer and navigator known for his 1497 voyage to North America, where he claimed land in Canada for England. After setting sail in May 1498 for a return voyage to North America, Cabot's final days remain a mystery.

3 Christopher Columbus Birth/Death: 1451 CE - 1506 CE
Nationality: Italian Birthplace: Genoa, Italy Quick Facts: He is credited for discovering the Americas in 1492, although we know today people were there long before him; his real achievement was that he opened the door for more exploration to a New World.

4 Never made it to Asia, nor did he truly discover America.
His “re-discovery,” however, inspired a new era of exploration of the American continents by Europeans. His voyages opened an exchange of goods between Europe and the Americas. Columbus day was made a federal holiday in It is recognized on the second Monday of October.

5 Vasco Da Gama Birth/Death: ca. 1460 CE - 1524 CE
Nationality: Portuguese Birthplace: Portugal Quick Facts: Portuguese explorer and navigator who found a direct sea route from Europe to Asia, and was the first European to sail to India by going around Africa.

6 First European to find an ocean trading route to India.
His discovery of this sea route helped the Portuguese establish a long-lasting colonial empire in Asia and Africa. The new ocean route around Africa allowed Portuguese sailors to avoid the Arab trading hold in the Mediterranean and Middle East. Better access to the Indian spice routes boosted Portugal’s economy.

7 Amerigo Vespucci Birth/Death: March 9, 1454 - February 22, 1512
Nationality: Italian Birthplace: Florence, Italy Quick Facts: Vespucci realized the land he was exploring was a separate continent and not part of Asia, as he and many others believed at the time. The continents of North and South America are named after him.

8 He explored the mouth of the Amazon River.
He also developed a method for determining longitude. Eventually the continents of the western hemisphere became known as North and South America – named after Amerigo Vespucci.

9 Vasco Nunez de Balboa Birth/Death: ca. 1475 - January 21, 1519
Nationality: Spanish Birthplace: Jerez de los Caballeros, Spain Quick Facts: Explorer and Conquistador who was head of the first South American settlement, and the first European to discover the Pacific Ocean

10 Helped establish the first stable European settlement on the mainland of South America.
The colony of Darien in Panama helped Spain establish a vast colonial empire in the Americas. First European to see the Pacific Ocean from the New World. The currency of Panama is even called Balboa, after the great explorer who helped put this land on the map

11 Hernan Cortes Birth/Death: 1485 CE - 1547 CE Nationality: Spanish
Birthplace: Seville, Spain Quick Facts: Spanish conquistador responsible for conquering the Aztec Empire and building Mexico City which secured Spain’s position in the New World.

12 One of the most successful of the Spanish conquistadors.
He was a hero in the 16th century He conquered the Aztec Empire in 1521. He enslaved much of the native population, and many of the indigenous people were wiped out from European diseases such as smallpox. He helped oversee the building of Mexico City, which is still Mexico’s capital today. He led to the acquisition to California towards the north.

13 Ferdinand Magellan Birth/Death: 1480-1521 Nationality: Portuguese
Birthplace: Porto or Sabrosa, Portugal Quick Facts: He led the first circumnavigation of the world, and is considered the first European to cross the Pacific Ocean

14 First European to circumnavigate the globe.
He fearlessly commanded a fleet of ships, one that completed the journey in his name and honor. The Strait of Magellan, off the southern coast of South America, became an important navigational route. His discovery of the trade winds ranks among his most useful and major findings. The expedition gave Europeans a much better understanding of the extent of the Earth’s size. He helped prove, however, is that the world is indeed round, and much bigger than Europeans previously imagined.

15 Francisco Pizarro Birth/Death: 1475 CE - 1541 CE Nationality: Spanish
Birthplace: Trujillo Quick Facts: Francisco Pizarro contributed to the Spanish empire gaining control over South America by conquering the great Inca Empire in Peru

16 Increased Spain’s hold in South America.
His desire for wealth and power drove him to become one of the greatest conquistadors of the New World. His capture and execution of the Inca ruler lead to the end of the Inca empire The enslavements and death from Spanish diseases caused the native population to decline by millions over the course of a few decades. The city Lima which Pizarro named and established is the capital of Peru today.

17 Jacques Cartier Birth/Death: 1491 CE - 1557 CE Nationality: French
Birthplace: France Quick Facts: Discovered the mouth of the St. Lawrence River and explored much of its area; gave Canada and Canadians their name.

18 The discovery of the entrance to the St
The discovery of the entrance to the St. Lawrence River became the main waterway for Europeans to enter North America. His relationships with the native peoples along the St. Lawrence River, though at times hostile, was the foundation to allowing French settlement on their lands. Cartier designated the territory name of “Canada.”

19 Sir Francis Drake Birth/Death: 1540 CE – 1596 CE Nationality: English
Birthplace: England Quick Facts: He effectively ended Spanish dominance over the seas and the New World, allowing England to become a global empire.

20 Accomplished far more than any of his English counterparts to that date, effectively cementing English dominance at sea. Helped destroy the Spanish Armada and help get rid of the Spanish influence in the New World Claimed part of the west coast of North America for England. He rescued many of the settlers from the doomed Roanoke settlement, saving their lives and helping the English better to understand what life was like in the Americas.

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