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Welcome to Grade 1/2!.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Grade 1/2!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Grade 1/2!

2 When you come into the classroom…
Hang up your backpack and jacket in your cubby Put on your indoor shoes and come back to the classroom Take out your agenda and lay it out at your spot for Ms. E to read. Ms. E will give sticker if agenda is signed by a guardian. Find your seat with your name and sit down Quietly begin your morning work at your spot

3 Gathering at the carpet
What should it look like? Sound like? Wait for your table to be called, walk, don’t run, respect other’s space, sit quietly “Criss cross applesauce, hands in your basket” If you feel distracted by your neighbor, you may find a new spot to sit Ms. E may ask you to move as well

4 When Ms. E wants your attention…
Ms E. says, “Class”, you say, “Yes” Ms E. says, “Hands on top”, you say, “That means Stop!” (actions to go along)

5 When you want Ms. E’s attention…
Raise your hand and put up the number of fingers to tell me what you need

6 Noise Levels 0- Silent 1- Whisper 2- Partners 3- Groups
4- Presentation

7 Positive Behaviour! Marble jar SWPBIS tickets

8 How do we line up? We have a line up order (ABC order)
“Show me a line” song (to the tune of The Addam’s Family) Last person in line shuts the door

9 Bathroom Use the right number of fingers to tell Ms E.
Walk to bathroom Knock before entering the stall Flush Wash hands with soap Throw paper towel in garbage Come back to classroom quickly and quietly

10 Snack Bring lunchkit with you into classroom after AM recess
Wait for Ms. to come around with hand sanitizer Sit at your spot the whole time Eat one healthy piece of food from your lunch Do not share your food Clean up area, lunch kit is put away in backpack Find a seat at the carpet and read quietly until timer goes

11 Lunchtime Wait for Ms E. to dismiss you to get lunchkit
Clean hands with hand sanitizer Say lunchtime prayer as a class with lunchroom supervisor Sit at your spot the whole time Do not share your food Raise hand if you need the supervisor’s help Clean up area, throw out any garbage Wait for supervisor to tell you to line up quietly, dismiss you to cubby, put lunchkit away in backpack, grab jacket

12 Back on Track!

13 Where are my school supplies?
As a class we share: Pencils Duotangs Notebooks Glue Erasers

14 Where are my school supplies?
Everyone has their own set of TWO drawers where your pencil case, headphones and other supplies will be. Your drawers will say your name. Ms. E will let you know when you will need to grab any supplies.

15 End of the day! Agendas: Daily message to family, raise hand for Ms. E to check message and sign Take agenda home and bring back every day Wait to be dismissed to cubby, bring backpack and jacket with you to classroom and sit at carpet for story time with your belongings When prayer comes on, stand up, be still, be silent Line up quietly and wait for Ms. E to dismiss you to go home!

16 Let’s have the BEST year ever!!!!

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