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CABEO project Closing Workshop

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1 CABEO project Closing Workshop
Jeanne Schmitt, ITCILO

2 Objectives Improving the level and quality of policy dialogue between public and private players on commerce sector development related issues; Improving the understanding of the benefits and risks of social dialogue for EOs as well as the negotiating capacity of EOs; Improving of the capacity of EOs to provide good quality, additional and/or enhanced services to their members; Strengthening of networks between national EOs and with the EU level. BUILD CAPACITY!

3 Design Strong partnership with Eurocommerce
Prior assessment of capacity and needs of EOs Design & Implementation of tailor-made activities Emphasis on outcomes and ownership Focus on what is working / what is not Evaluation of impact on learning (individuals) and organizational development (EOs)

4 Activities Impact Evaluation Closing Workshop in Bxl (December)
Training Workshop on Services / Turin (October) Training Workshop on Social Dialogue / Prag (June) Training Workshop on Lobbying / Turin (March) Online Training Needs Analysis (February)

5 Working method / implementation
Action Plans TECHNICAL TRAINING KNOW HOW + PRACTICE Reinforcing the efficiency of EOs in lobbying, social dialogue, Services provision + Improving expertise on key issues through inputs, experience sharing, debates, peer assistance Ensuring adequate skills levels and workforce supply in the chemical sector, notably the attractiveness to youth Green jobs: what’s in for the chemical industry REACH implementation, improving Health ad safety related to chemical substances in the sector and downstream industries Emissions Trading System and energy efficiency – what are the consequences for the chemical industry and how to deal with any restructuring requirement coming up = Action planning and implementation of changes Lobbying & Advocacy Social Dialogue Services for members Communication Negotiation skills Financial sustainability

6 Working method / implementation
Action Plans KNOW HOW + PRACTICE TECHNICAL TRAINING Reinforcing the efficiency of EOs in lobbying, social dialogue, Services provision + Improving expertise on key issues through inputs, experience sharing, debates, peer assistance Ensuring adequate skills levels and workforce supply in the chemical sector, notably the attractiveness to youth Green jobs: what’s in for the chemical industry REACH implementation, improving Health ad safety related to chemical substances in the sector and downstream industries Emissions Trading System and energy efficiency – what are the consequences for the chemical industry and how to deal with any restructuring requirement coming up = Action planning and implementation of changes

7 Implementation is on going
Lobbying & Advocacy Communication Action Plans e.g. Development of a business agenda for the EO Identification of specific legal constraints on business environment (e.g. food supply chain) Closer work with companies (e.g. local producers) to better understand specific lobbying needs Media actions to raise image and attractiveness of the sector Reinforcing the efficiency of EOs in lobbying, social dialogue, Services provision + Improving expertise on key issues through inputs, experience sharing, debates, peer assistance Ensuring adequate skills levels and workforce supply in the chemical sector, notably the attractiveness to youth Green jobs: what’s in for the chemical industry REACH implementation, improving Health ad safety related to chemical substances in the sector and downstream industries Emissions Trading System and energy efficiency – what are the consequences for the chemical industry and how to deal with any restructuring requirement coming up = Action planning and implementation of changes

8 Implementation is on going
Social Dialogue Negotiation skills Action Plans e.g. Enhance quality of dialogue with business associations and workers’ unions Establish relations based on trust in sectoral social dialogue through concrete cooperation on specific issues of common interest (e.g. Skills mismatch) Review and improve mandating procedures to bi- and tripartite social dialogue committees Reinforcing the efficiency of EOs in lobbying, social dialogue, Services provision + Improving expertise on key issues through inputs, experience sharing, debates, peer assistance Ensuring adequate skills levels and workforce supply in the chemical sector, notably the attractiveness to youth Green jobs: what’s in for the chemical industry REACH implementation, improving Health ad safety related to chemical substances in the sector and downstream industries Emissions Trading System and energy efficiency – what are the consequences for the chemical industry and how to deal with any restructuring requirement coming up = Action planning and implementation of changes

9 Implementation is on going
Services for members Financial sustainability Action Plans e.g. Review the way to structure/communicate on service offer (information, intelligence, training etc.) Look to other EOs practices for inspiration (e.g. financial / payment services) Strategy for improving recruitment and retention of members Raise understanding on access to EU funds for particular projects Reinforcing the efficiency of EOs in lobbying, social dialogue, Services provision + Improving expertise on key issues through inputs, experience sharing, debates, peer assistance Ensuring adequate skills levels and workforce supply in the chemical sector, notably the attractiveness to youth Green jobs: what’s in for the chemical industry REACH implementation, improving Health ad safety related to chemical substances in the sector and downstream industries Emissions Trading System and energy efficiency – what are the consequences for the chemical industry and how to deal with any restructuring requirement coming up = Action planning and implementation of changes

10 What’s next? Implementation of action plans until May 2012
Impact evaluation to measure improvements on organizations’ activities and management Exchange of practices at sub-regional level (within Eurocommerce; existing regional groups…)

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