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Group Name MRSA2 Group member name.

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Presentation on theme: "Group Name MRSA2 Group member name."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group Name MRSA2 Group member name

2 Isolates Sample name Subtype Notes ERR070040-P12 ST2371
From Patient 12 ERR P24 From Patient 24 ERR P22 From Patient 22 ERR HW From Health Care Worker - misses the ermC plasmid ERR not-outbreak ST8 Not part of the outbreak

3 Result of species identification (KmerFinder)
Strain Species acc. to Harris et al 2013 Predicted species Closest matching strain Template coverage ERR P12 ERR P24 ERR P22 ERR HW ERR not-outbreak

4 Representative KmerFinder result

5 Result of Multilocus Sequence Typing (MLST)
Strain ST acc. to Harris et al 2014 Predicted ST ERR P12 ERR P24 ERR P22 ERR HW ERR not-outbreak

6 Representative Multilocus Sequence Typing result

7 Result of antibiotics resistance analysis
Isolate Cefoxitin/Methicillin (MecA) Cipro-floxacin (chromo-somal mutation) Erythro-mycin (Erm(A), Erm(B), Erm(C)) Fusidic acid (chromo-somal mutation) Gentamicin (aac(6’)-aph(2'')) Mupirocin (chromo-somal mutation) Rifampicin (chromo-somal mutation) Tetra-cycline (tetC, tetM, tetR, tetS Vancomycin (Chromo-somal mutations or the vanA or vanB gene cluster.) Neomycin (aadD, aac(6')-aph(2'')) P12 P24 P22 HW non-out-break How is the agreement with the results presented in Harris et al 2013?

8 Result of plasmid analysis
Isolate rep10 repUS12 rep20 rep5 rep7 ERR P12 ERR P24 ERR P22 ERR HW ERR not-outbreak For each strain write which node the replicon was found on. If not found, leave the cell empty. Which plasmid is the ermC gene on?

9 Distance matrix made by NDtree and tree made with neighbour-joining

10 Distance matrix made by CSIPhylogeny and tree made with neighbour-joining

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