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UN Committee of Experts on Environmental-Economic Accounting

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1 UN Committee of Experts on Environmental-Economic Accounting
Framework for Developing Environmental Statistics Presentation to the UN Committee of Experts on Environmental-Economic Accounting June 25, 2009

2 Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada
Background How the project came about Summary of strategy and activities to date Produce a “think piece” to introduce the idea and to start initial discussions Solicit support for the Framework from key stakeholders, especially relevant policy departments If successful in obtaining buy-in, proceed with further development of Framework components How was the work initiated? Environment was one of the first subject-matter areas that captured the interest of Munir Sheikh, shortly after assuming his new role as Chief Statistician in April Among his first key observations: environment statistics seem ad hoc in nature, the quality of datasets varies from one source to the next and this seems to be an area where Statistics Canada, the national statistical agency, does not play as big a role as it ought to play, particularly in ensuring coherence and quality of published statistics. Ivan Fellegi agreed with these general observations. Munir gained the support of the then DM-Environment and Clerk of the Privy Council to pursue the Framework initiative. Who contributed in its development? Drafting the Proposed Framework was primarily a joint effort by EASD management and Statcan senior management. Summary of strategy and activities to date: A series of brainstorming sessions with the Chief Statistician was held throughout the Summer and Fall 2008 to discuss the overall approach and broad content of the Framework. The initial results of the brainstorming were presented at the first round of consultations with key federal policy departments in November Following the initial round of comments, Statcan produced a draft document that has been circulated to the federal departments most involved in environmental issues and tabled at the UN Statistical Commission in February A revised paper incorporating comments from national and international partners will be prepared later in the year. Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 1/3/2019

3 Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada
Canadian Context Existing environmental statistics are ad hoc and have varying degrees of data quality Data collection and reporting: largely conducted for individual policy initiatives Difficult to integrate data from different programs (classifications and definitions used, inconsistent methodologies, etc.) Important data gaps which prevent a complete evaluation of the environmental issues/challenges Current gaps and challenges related to basic environmental statistics also have impacts on the development of Statistics Canada’s Environmental Accounting Programme. Environmental Accounting Programme does not meet/satisfy the Policy needs statistical requirements are broader than the environment-economic accounts. Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 1/3/2019

4 Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada
Key Messages Desire to engage senior managers of policy departments and central agencies Framework document is a starting point; Statistics Canada’s first effort to capture users’ attention and start a dialogue about potential gains in terms of improving the integration of environmental datasets Emphasis on the role of the statistical agency and quality standards Quality of the datasets Quality of the execution of statistical activities Focus in on responding to information needs of Policy Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 1/3/2019

5 Proposed Framework Previous Statistics Canada “frameworks”
Pressure-state-response (’70s to ’80s) Environmental accounting (early ’90s) Natural capital (late ’90s-early 2000) Based current paper on the ecosystems approach High-level objective Measuring and monitoring of environmental quality Key target variables Freshwater ecosystem quality Marine ecosystem quality Terrestrial ecosystem quality Air quality Water quality Previous Statcan efforts related to statistical frameworks were primarily aimed at measuring the interactions between human activities and the environment and their linkages with the economic framework: PSR and DPSIR (driving forces-pressure-state-impacts-response) framework: based on the concept of “causality;” highlights human pressures much more than natural pressures Environmental accounting: based on a neo-classical economic theory that treats environmental assets and liabilities as if their contribution to economic acitivity were similar to that of conventional, marketed assets and liabilities Natural capital: different from the first two frameworks in that this presents a conceptual framework which attempts to reconcile economic and environmental interests by incorporating the value of natural environments in decision-making; operationally, most of the empirical research using the natural capital approach centered on natural resource management (env-econ linkages). There is a need to clearly distinguish between conceptual and statistical or measurement frameworks: The proposed framework is an ecosystem-based conceptual framework: Stocks and flows of physical/biological phenomenon Flows within and between ecosystems No attempt to value stocks and flows Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 1/3/2019

6 Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada
Framework and SEEA Major advancements in environmental-economic accounting reflected in SEEA good starting point for elaborating Framework components Framework’s emphasis on governance and role of national statistical agency in quality assurance improved datasets for use in the production of the SEEA accounts Statistics Canada has actively participated in the path forward for environmental-economic accounting and SEEA development. Statcan representation: London Group – SEEA revision; new work on water and energy Oslo Group on Energy Statistics WGEIO “New” Joint UNECE/Eurostats/OECD Working Group on Measuring Sustainable Development (WGSSD) Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 1/3/2019

7 Identifying sub-components
High-level objective Measuring and monitoring environmental quality Key target variables Freshwater ecosystem quality Marine ecosystem quality Terrestrial ecosystem quality Air quality Water quality EXAMPLES of sub- components (stocks and flows) Freshwater species diversity Extent and number of invasive freshwater species Stocks of freshwater resources Extraction of freshwater resources Marine species diversity Extent and number of invasive marine species Stocks of marine resources Extraction of marine resources Terrestrial species diversity Extent and number of invasive terrestrial species Stocks of terrestrial resources Extraction of terrestrial resources Ambient concentrations of air pollutants Air pollution by source Greenhouse gas emissions Ambient concentrations of water pollutants Water pollution by source and type of pollutant Water withdrawal by purpose Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 1/3/2019

8 Linking the Framework to Policy
Example of an Environmental Policy Issue: Climate Change High-level objective Measuring and monitoring environmental quality Key target variables Freshwater ecosystem quality Marine ecosystem quality Terrestrial ecosystem quality Air quality Water quality Drivers Land-use change Greenhouse gas emissions Impacts Water availability Biodiversity Rising sea levels Deforestation Habitat loss Average temperatures Meteorological systems Water renewal Water balance Mitigation Reforestation Sustainable agricultural practices Clean fuels Renewable and alternative energy Adaptation Redirecting water systems, waterways Alternative irrigation systems Changes to navigation routes Restructuring seawalls Land use Adjustments to agricultural cycles (planting, harvesting, etc) Water use changes Altering water treatment systems Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 1/3/2019

9 Feedback from partners: Canada
General support for the initiative; understanding of the rationale by key Policy departments Need further assessment of: Rationale for choosing the ecosystem approach over other frameworks Weaknesses and knowledge gap in the current statistical system that the framework will seek to address, particularly Policy information needs Linkages within framework components and across other frameworks Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 1/3/2019

10 Feedback from partners: Canada
Need further assessment of: International context: ongoing and emerging priorities; compatibility with international standards; consistency with work by international bodies Potential impacts on data collection agreements with provinces and territories What is Statistics Canada’s long-term vision and plan of action with respect to the framework? Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 1/3/2019

11 Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada
Next steps High-level follow-up discussion with federal policy departments Establish Statcan’s role, responsibility and required resources Development the action plan for broader stakeholder consultations Science & research community and academia Provincial/territorial and local governments Elaboration of the framework components: data requirements and gaps assessment Which priority area(s) to focus on? Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 1/3/2019

12 Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada
Discussion Do other countries share similar experiences with respect to the challenges in producing environmental statistics? How are environmental statistics integration and data quality assurance carried out? Statistics Canada • Statistique Canada 1/3/2019

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