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This IS Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "This IS Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:

1 This IS Jeopardy


3 Darwin

4 Natural Selection

5 Fossil Record

6 Evidence for Evolution

7 New Species

8 Evolutionary Pictures/Diagram

9 Darwin Natural Selection Fossil Record Evidence for Evolution New Species Evolutionary Pictures/Diagrams $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

10 The HMS Beagle

11 What was the name of Charles Darwin’s navy ship?

12 The Galapagos Islands

13 Where did Darwin travel to?

14 Darwin observed these animals as having an adaptation

15 What are finches?

16 Darwin’s important scientific theory

17 What is the theory of evolution by natural selection?

18 A well tested concept that explains a wide range of observations

19 What is the scientific theory?

20 More species are produced than can survive

21 What is overproduction?

22 Lions move in on the tigers and take their home

23 What is competition?

24 Animals of the same species have differences among them

25 What is variation?

26 Individuals that have helpful traits are more likely to survive

27 What is selection?

28 A hawk has black feathers while another hawk has brown feathers

29 What is variation?

30 This is how most fossils form

31 What is buried in sediment?

32 The problem with the fossil record

33 What is it has gaps?

34 Members of a species no longer exist.

35 What is extinction?

36 This tells about organisms from the past

37 What is a fossil record?

38 Found in the seas about 540 million years ago

39 What are the first animals?

40 Evolution occurs slowly over time

41 What is the theory of gradualism?

42 These three things are used to determine evolutionary relationships

43 What is body structure, DNA, and early development?

44 Similar structures that related species have

45 What are homologous structure?

46 chimpanzees

47 What are believed to be our most closest relative?

48 Chickens and turtles that look almost exactly alike

49 What is an example of early development?

50 Pangaea

51 What is the process of continental drift called?

52 This leads to changes

53 What are helpful mutations or variations?

54 A group of individuals are separated for long periods of time

55 How does a new species form?

56 River, volcano, mountain range, and an ocean wave

57 What are conditions that can separate a group from its species?

58 Daily Double!!

59 The Kaibab squirrel developed from this original species

60 What is the Abert squirrel?


62 What are homologous structures?


64 What is a branching tree?


66 What is Pangaea?


68 Who is Charles Darwin?


70 What is an example of early development?

71 The theory that explains the lack of intermediate forms of fossils.
Final Jeopardy The theory that explains the lack of intermediate forms of fossils.

72 What is punctuated equilibria?

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