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Session 1: What do you mean by … discussion, sharing knowledge and challenge? Christine Hirst.

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Presentation on theme: "Session 1: What do you mean by … discussion, sharing knowledge and challenge? Christine Hirst."— Presentation transcript:

1 Session 1: What do you mean by … discussion, sharing knowledge and challenge?
Christine Hirst

2 Overview Part 1: RECME research.
Part 2: We will show you SOME of the quantitative responses from the online questionnaire. Part 3: We have some follow–up questions which we would like to get YOUR VIEWS on (group activities).

3 Part 1: RECME Research Sample Thirty-one CPD initiatives Mixed methods
Observation of CPD meetings Online quantitative survey Lesson observations Interviews with individual teachers in working environment Summer residential.

4 Part 2: RECME Online Questionnaire

5 Questionnaire So Far … Launched in May 2008
The questionnaire is about: The professional development you are involved in, Other professional development you have experienced. Still live 110 responses.






11 Part 3: Group Activities
We would like your views RECME would like to dig a bit deeper!

12 Your CPD Project We need you to think about your recent experience of the CPD initiative that is part of RECME. In this session we need you to come up with specific EXAMPLES and GENERALISE on the following topics: Discussion Sharing knowledge Challenge

13 1. Discussion Discussing mathematics with colleagues
During CPD Discussing mathematics with colleagues As a Result of the CPD Discussing your CPD with colleagues Discussing your CPD with a member of the senior leadership team (e.g. head teacher or subject leader) Discussing student work from classroom.

14 Survey Results

15 What do you mean by ‘discussion’?
For me, what I have in mind when I say discussion in terms of my CPD is… Example of (account of) discussing in relation to my CPD: I… This is the effect that this discussion had on me (account for): …

16 What does this mean to you?
2. Sharing Knowledge If the following took place DURING the CPD sessions, please indicate how useful they were. Sharing Knowledge What does this mean to you?

17 What do you mean by ‘sharing knowledge’?
For me, what I have in mind when I say sharing knowledge in relation to CPD is…. Example of (account of) sharing knowledge: I… The effect sharing knowledge has on me (account for): I find that …

18 3. Challenge What does this mean to you?
Thinking back to your last engagement with this CPD, please indicate the extent to which you found it challenging. What does this mean to you?

19 What do you mean by ‘challenge’?
For me, what I have in mind when I say the CPD was challenging … Example of (account of) why the CPD was challenging: I… This is the effect that this type of challenging experience had on me (account for): I….

20 In conclusion What did you get out of this session?


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