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Particle Acceleration by Relativistic Expansion of Magnetic Arcades

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1 Particle Acceleration by Relativistic Expansion of Magnetic Arcades
H. Takahashi, E. Asano, R. Matsumoto Chiba Unv. Japan shock current sheet Asano et al. (P12)

2 Simulation Model of Particle Accelerations
2-dim. Paritcle-In-Cell (PIC) simulation Mikic Model extended into relativistic plasma (NX,NY)=(200,1600) Assumption elecron-positron plasma collisionless Plasma density is slightly larger than Goldreich-Julian density Initial Model constructed by Mikic(‘88) Bz : toroidal components Bx,By: poloidal components

3 2.5-dimensional PIC Simulation: Result
Tg=90.0 Tg=237.5 color: Bz line: field line color: density line: field line color: Bz line: field line ExB drift motion leads to charge deficiency in the arcades. Magnetic reconnections take place inside the expanding arcades.

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