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Packet Classification with Evolvable Hardware Hash Functions

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1 Packet Classification with Evolvable Hardware Hash Functions
Harald Widiger, Mathias Handy, Dirk Timmermann University of Rostock Institute of Applied Microelectronics and Computer Science

2 Packet Classification and Hash Functions
Packet Classification Problem: In huge rule sets a search takes much time and/or demands huge memories Hash functions have a search complexity of ideally O(1) and memory demand of O(N) Problem when using (hardware) hash functions: High performance for different key sets Low hardware costs for a hardware implementation Bandwidth demands of communication networks are rising permanently. Thus, the requirements to modern routers regarding packet classification are rising accordingly. Packet Classification means finding rules which corresponds to a key extracted from a packet. Conventional algorithms must make a trade­off between classification speed and memory demands. By the use of a hash function both demands can be met. Hash functions have a search complexity of ideally O(1). Thus, they are independent of the number of elements searched in. With O(N) the memory need scales only linearly with the number of elements. However, it is problematic to find a sufficient hash function. It has to be both high performance and of low hard­ware costs.

3 Evolvable Hardware Goal: High performance for different and changing key set with low hardware costs Solution: a function which can adapt constantly and autonomously to an actual key set  evolvable hardware As stated before a hash function for packet classification must meet two demands It must have a high performance for different key sets It must not have very high implementation costs A solution for this problem is a permanently adapting and improving hash function. This goal can be obtained by evolutionary computing completely done in hardware. Such an evolvable hardware hash function is proposed is this presentation.

4 Hardware Hash Function
Architecture of an evolvable hash function can be seen: The function hashes an N-bit wide key to an M-Bit wide hash value It consists N to 1 Multiplexers, which are controlled by an log2(N)-bit wide register for every bit of the hash value two of those multiplexers are connected together by an xor-function therefore the functionality of the hash function is determined by 2*M*log2(N) registers The registers form the genome of the evolvable hardware hash function (By the change of one bit other input bits are multiplexed to the output of the hash function Genomesize:

5 System Architecture Hardware consists of a datapath and an evolution module In the datapath the packet classification is done by finding classification rules for incoming frames with the help of the hash functions The evolution module changes the hash function depending on the existing key to increase lookup performance Hardware consist of two main components The Data Path and the Evolution module In The Data Path every incoming packet is classified by finding a corresponding rule: A key is extracted from the frame The key is hashed the hash value is taken as address in the rule memory memory is searched until the correct classification rule is found the data path then outputs the rule together with the frame To increase the lookup performance the hash function used for the packet classification is evolved depending on the used key set This way the lookup performance betters constantly and incoming frames can be classified with high speed

6 Evolutionary Algorithm
Evolution Module will consist of six functional elements as can be seen in the block diagram: The evolutionary algorithm performed by the hardware has the following features Four individuals holding the genome of a hash function The individuals produce an offspring of twelve randomly The offspring is mutated with a bit mutation probability of 1/N (genome consists of N bit) For all twelve offspring elements the implemented hash function is reconfigured and the fitness is evaluated From the twelve offspring and the fittest parent the four fittest individuals are selected to form the next generation Fitness evaluation: All existing keys are hashed into a memory the number of collisions is counted. This value is taken as fitness value That means: The lesser the value the better. A perfect hash function produces no collisions.

7 Simulation Results Simulation Results of the evolvable hardware hash functions: different hash functions implemented as a SystemC model (hash2 is the one mentioned before) functional identical to the hardware implementation function was evaluated with different keys up to 217 randomly generated keys graph reveals, that the different architectures performed differently: best performance shows hash2: with a memory load of 50% less than 4 memory accesses are needed in the average with a memory load of 75% number of accesses remains below 6 outperform the needed 16 memory accesses of a sorted list remarkably However, theoretical upper bound for finding an entry is still O(N). The required memory accesses for some key is far more than log2(N)

8 Outlook Hardware implementation into an FPGA
Simulation of the lookup performance with real rules sets Improvement of the performance of the fitness evaluation Finally implementation in a dynamically reconfigurable environment There are numerous task left, which must be executed. First off all, the system has to be fully implemented into an FPGA and tested on a evaluation board. The simulations must be done with real rule sets from routers instead of randomly generated key sets to evaluate the performance when keys are correlated The fitness evaluation as mentioned here is very time consuming. The speed of the evaluation must be increased parallel evaluation for all elements of the offspring memory interleaving for collision resolution Finally, the packet classifier is to be implemented into a dynamically reconfigurable environment. That means no multiplexers are needed for the hardware implementation of the hash functions just xor-connected wires

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