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Creating a Community of Learners Within Diverse Contexts

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Presentation on theme: "Creating a Community of Learners Within Diverse Contexts"— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating a Community of Learners Within Diverse Contexts
Presented by: Gary Chantrell and Mary-Lynn Epps NOII 2015

2 Scanning-Explored who was in our learning community, and what were their needs?

3 Who are our Learners? 28 grade 6/7 students in low socio-economic inner city school Gary Chantrell - Classroom Teacher 9 Vancouver Island University (VIU) Post Bach 5 students; 1 Post Bach 6 student on final practicum (4 to 1 ratio of support within the classroom) Mary-Lynn Epps - VIU instructor for Principles of Teaching and Learning and Field Experience Coordinator/Supervisor

4 What Happened? Planned instruction for Friday mornings- physical education, health and career, English language arts Met as a team to debrief lessons and plan next steps VIU instructor and student teachers also met to co-plan for one hour during the week so that student teachers came prepared with lessons on Friday morning

5 Focus- Build Relationships


7 Developing a Hunch: Differences = Strength
“We had 8 people with all different approaches and preferences generating all sorts of ideas.  It is so exciting to watch one idea get thrown out and morph into something new with each person’s suggestion.”  - Jennifer Daniel, VIU Post Bach 5

8 Our Learning: Healthy Living Inquiry
Overarching question: How can high impact, innovative, instructional practices, explored through collaborative inquiry, transform us as a group of adaptive practitioners supportive of student learning? Inquiry Question for student teachers: Will engaging in a learning partnership with Vancouver Island University education students support learners' level of engagement in active living and healthy relationships? Classroom Question: How can engaging in active living and developing healthy relationships support us as a community of healthy living learners?

9 Taking Action- Coaching to Support Learning
Co-Planned and co-taught lessons structured in small groups with guided support for each lesson plan (4 to 1 ratio) Provided opportunities for student teachers to apply effective learning practices in a safe, supportive learning environment


11 Checking: What Did We Learn
Checking: What Did We Learn? Collaboration Is Critical to Maneuver the Inquiry Journey

12 -Bianca Burton, VIU Post Bach 5
“The healthy living inquiry project allowed me to learn at a much faster rate than in practicum. This was due to the fact that I was able to participate in collaborative planning with experienced educators as opposed to creating my own lesson plans on my own.” -Bianca Burton, VIU Post Bach 5

13 “I enjoyed the fact that they were teachers who were learning too.”
- Fairview 6/7 student

14 Checking: What We Learned? Create opportunities to build relationships

15 - Breanna Chin, VIU Post Bach Year 5
“...the students gave our team descriptive feedback on how to improve our lessons, what they would love to see again, and they also reflected on how we impacted their lives. As an educator, nothing can be more rewarding than having your students reflect on how you have made a difference in their life. We exposed the students to a variety of lessons, and developed a deep connection with them.” - Breanna Chin, VIU Post Bach Year 5

16 “I liked how they each taught differently.” - Fairview 6/7 student

17 Checking-What We Learned
Checking-What We Learned? Weave effective learning practices into instructional design to scaffold understanding

18 - Amelia Cummins, VIU Post Bach 5
“Assessment for learning practices played a huge role throughout our Healthy Living unit and contributed to the level of engagement that we saw. With the class we co-created criteria, planned for individualized learning and ownership, gave descriptive feedback, and articulated a learning intention for every lesson taught.” - Amelia Cummins, VIU Post Bach 5

19 “They will be great teachers, they connect with people
“They will be great teachers, they connect with people.” - Fairview 6/7 student

20 How Can We Create a Learning Community?
Form relationships and invite a learning partnership Value a learning mindset and support the inquiry cycle through each individual’s wisdom within the learning community Ground the learning community in knowing who we are, where we are from and a sense of place Use the inquiry cycle to guide our actions and exploration of effective teaching and learning practices Relax; messy is good

21 Next Steps?

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